Friday, June 14, 2013



1. Listening and Speaking
·        Listen to narratives involving code-switching and code-mixing and show signs of understanding verbally as well as non-verbally
·        Listen to dialogues/conversations related to self introduction, introducing others, likes and dislikes, needs, possessions, etc and orally construct dialogues in specific contexts, using fragmentary expressions or by mixing codes
Songs / Poems / Rhymes:
·        Listen to simple rhymes  or songs involving the recurrence of sounds, words, phrases and various structural patterns ; recite them and produce rhymes / songs etc., by substituting words / phrases
·        Listen to simple descriptions of familiar objects  and construct them orally

2. Reading Comprehension
·        Read simple dialogues / conversations related to self introduction , introducing others , likes and dislikes , needs etc.
·        Read simple narratives  (containing one event and single exchange of dialogue)
(This in most cases will be graphic reading only)
·        Read rhymes or songs involving the recurrence of sounds , words and phrases
·        Reading a passage  and telling others about their reflections
·        Link what they have read with their own experience
Picture Reading:
·        Read pictures  and identify words and concepts

3. Conventions of Writing
Conventions of Writing:
·        Writes graphically
·        Pay attention to the differences in letter orientation (e.g.’b’ and ‘d’; ‘p’ and ‘q’; ‘m’ and ‘w’), no of strokes (e.g., ‘n’ and ‘m’; ‘v’ and ‘w’), direction of the tails (e.g., ‘b’ and ‘q’)
·        Trace / copy / write the letters of the alphabet (lower and upper case) with appropriate shape, size, and space
·        Supply missing letters in words with the help of picture cues
Write numbers one to ten

4. Creative Writing (Discourses)
·        Write the initiation or response to the dialogue related to a specific context (sometimes using fragments)
·        Recognize simple, short and common words used in the following contexts.
Home / shop / colour/ body / vegetables/ animals / market / kinship terms / things of school / vehicles/ action verbs related to daily routine
·        Write the beginning, the middle and the end of a story / narrative with dialogue wherever necessary (using fragments ignoring spellings and linkers) or by graphic writing
Rhymes / Poems / songs:
·        Add lines to a rhyme / song by substituting words or phrases (writing in grade I may be graphic writing only

5. Vocabulary
·        Recognize simple, short and common words used in the following contexts.
Home / shop / colour/ body / vegetables/ animals / market / kinship terms / things of school / vehicles/ action verbs related to daily routine

6. Grammatical Awareness
·        State verbs.
·        Possessive forms.
·        Personal pronouns
·        He-words and she -words.
·        Present, past and present progressive forms of common action verbs. Prepositions of locations


1. Listening and Speaking
·        Listen to narratives involving code-switching and code-mixing (wherever necessary) and show signs of understanding  verbally as well as nonverbally; come out with their comments and observations
·        Listen to dialogues/conversations related to self introduction, introducing others, likes and dislikes, needs, possessions, etc and  construct (both orally and in writing) dialogues in specific contexts,  or by  using fragmentary expressions
Songs / Poems/Rhymes:
·        Listen to simple rhymes  or songs involving the recurrence of sounds, words, phrases and various structural patterns ; recite them and produce rhymes / songs etc., by substituting words / phrases/ sentences
·        Listen to simple descriptions of familiar objects  and construct them orally using fragmentary expressions or by mixing codes

2. Reading Comprehension
·        Read simple dialogues / conversations related to self introduction, introducing others , likes and dislikes , needs etc.
·        Read simple narratives  (containing one event and single exchange of dialogue)
·        Read rhymes or songs involving the recurrence of sounds, words and phrases
·        Reading a passage  and telling others about their reflections
·        Link what they have read with their own experience
Picture Reading:
·        Read pictures  and identify words and concepts
3. Conventions of Writing
Conventions of Writing:
·        Write legibly first on four-ruled pages, then on single-ruled pages and finally on white sheets.
·        Copy a text without errors.
·        Capitalize the first word of a sentence
·        Put  a  period at the end of a sentence.
·        Supply missing letters in words with the help of picture cues

4. Creative Writing
·        Write simple dialogues related to a specific context
·        Recognize simple, short and common words used in the following contexts.
Home / shop / colours/ body,  vegetables/ animals / market / kinship terms / things of school / vehicles/ action verbs related to daily routine/play ground / games we play / professions /stationery / village fair/things we use at home and school
·        Write the beginning, the middle and the end of a story / narrative with dialogue wherever necessary
·        Add lines to a rhyme / song by substituting words or phrases or sentences

5. Vocabulary
·        Recognize simple, short and common words used in the following contexts.
Home / shop / colours/ body,  vegetables/ animals / market / kinship terms / things of school / vehicles/ action verbs related to daily routine/play ground / games we play / professions /stationery / village fair/things we use at home and school

6. Grammatical Awareness
·        State verbs.
·        Possessive forms.
·        Personal pronouns
·        He -words and she- words.
·        Present, past and present progressive forms of common action verbs.
·        Prepositions of locations. Adjectives related to physical attributes.
·        Adverbs related to manner of action. 
·        Present perfect


1. Listening and Speaking
·        Listen to emotionally charged narratives dealing with animals, plants and human beings  and talk about it
·        Listen to a story / narrative /experience  and narrate  it with a beginning, middle and end  involving events, dialogues  and with proper gestures, facial expressions and voice modulation
·        Listen to dialogues related to specific contexts  and produce one’s own dialogues
·        Role-play dialogues related to specific contexts using appropriate actions and voice modulation
·        Interact effectively with others on themes that are relevant to them.
Songs / Poems/Rhymes:
·        Listen to rhythmic Songs / Poems/ Rhymes on familiar themes and involving the recurrence of a few structural patterns
·        Construct compositions on various themes in conformity with a given rhythm and pattern.
·        Sing songs and recite poems with proper expressions and voice modulation
·        Listen to descriptions involving a few attributes related to persons  objects, places and events
·        Describe people, objects and places and events using a few attributes
·        Describe one’s own reflections on people and events
·        Listen to slogans developed for specific purposes.
·        Say slogans written for specific purposes rhythmically.
·        Listen to announcements related to specific occasions and respond to them
·        Talk to others about the announcement

2. Reading Comprehension
·        Reading pieces of dialogue given in the textbook or displayed in the class and interact with others based on the reading*Construct dialogues related to a given context
·        Role play the conversations with gestures and voice modulation*Role-play dialogues related to specific contexts using appropriate actions and voice modulations.
·        Read descriptions depicting the characteristics of persons and scenic details of events  and places
·        Talk about the persons, places and events that they read
·        Talk about their reflections on the persons, places and events
·        Develop mind maps about the persons, events and places they read
·        Read a story / narrative involving a sequence of events and dialogues and containing sensual perceptions 
·        Talk about their understanding  and perceptions about the story
·        Talk about their  reflections on the characters and events in the story
·        Make predications on what can happen next
·        Read songs and poems  on various themes 
·        Talk about what they understood through reading
·        Comment on the  patterns of sound,  rhythm and theme

·        Reading a passage  and telling others about their reflections
·        Link what they have read with their own experience
Picture Reading:
·        Read pictures  and identify words and concepts
·        Read diary depicting feelings and reflections
·        Talk about the entries in the  diary and make their own reflections on them
·        Read personal letters and comment on them
·        Read slogans developed for specific purposes
·        Say slogans written for specific purposes rhythmically
·        Read brief notices prepared for various occasions and purposes
·        Read posters  prepared for various purposes and talk about them
·        Read announcements related to specific occasions and respond to them
·        Talk to others about the announcement

3. Conventions of Writing
Conventions of Writing:
·        Write legibly first on four-ruled pages, then on single-ruled pages and finally on white sheets.
·        Apply spelling strategies like matching letters/letter combinations to sound patterns (e.g., ‘b’ - /b/ ; ‘th’ - /ð/ or  /ɵ/)
·        Capitalize the word ‘I’.
·        Capitalize the first word of a sentence
·        Capitalize the days of the week and the months of the year

4. Creative Writing
·        Write simple dialogues related to a specific context
·        Write descriptions depicting the characteristics of persons and scenic details of events and places
·        Write about the persons, places and events that they read
·        Write about their reflections on the persons, places and events
·        Write the beginning, the middle and the end of a story / narrative with dialogue wherever necessary
Mind Mapping:
·        Develop mind maps about the persons , events and places they read
Short Story:
·        Write the beginning, the middle and the end of a story / narrative with dialogue wherever necessary
·        Write songs and poems/rhymes on various themes by adding lines in a given pattern
·        Write personal letters for various purposes

·        Write a diary depicting reflections and feelings
·        Write notices for various occasions and purposes

·        Write posters for various purposes

5. Vocabulary
·        Recognize simple, short and common words used in the following contexts.
·        Home / shop / colours/ body,  vegetables/ animals / market / kinship terms / things of school / vehicles/ action verbs related to daily routine/play ground / games we play / professions /stationery / village fair/things we use at home and school/ crops / seeds and plants/ names of drawing materials /words related to festivals/giant bodies on earth / furniture / things they love/ words related to kingdom.
·        Recognize, read, write (with correct spelling), and use in simple sentences some simple mono syllabic and disyllabic words referred under READING and WRITING sections.
·        Recognize words from reading materials and authentic materials.
·        Maintain a personal dictionary. Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary/picture dictionary.
·        Use contextual clues, pictures, synonyms ( hot/warm), antonyms (good/bad), and illustrations to deduce the meaning of new words.
·        Group words based on a criterion (living/non-living), setting (school – home) and make web diagrams / concept maps.
·        Develop vocabulary through reading extensively (e.g., bilingual texts, reading cards, environmental print) and through using it in spoken and written discourses.
·        Opposite words

6. Grammatical Awareness
·        State verbs.
·        Possessive forms.
·        Personal pronouns.
·        He- words and she -words.
·        Present, past and present progressive forms of common action verbs.
·        Prepositions of locations.
·        Adjectives related to physical attributes.
·        Adverbs related to manner of action.
·        Present perfect.
·        Prepositions like along, across, through, under’.
·        Sequencing of words, structuring sentences and phrases.
·        Expressing ability using ‘can’.
·        Present continuous tense.
·        Using imperatives for giving instructions.
·        Use of too-to


1. Listening and Speaking
·        Listen to emotionally charged narratives dealing with animals, plants and human beings  and talk about it
·        Listen to a story / narrative /experience  and narrate  it with a beginning, middle and end  involving events, dialogues  and with proper gestures, facial expressions and voice modulation
·        Listen to dialogues related to specific contexts  and produce one’s own dialogues
·        Role-play dialogues related to specific contexts using appropriate actions and voice modulation
·        Interact effectively with others on themes that are relevant to them.
Songs / Poems/Rhymes:
·        Listen to rhythmic Songs / Poems on familiar themes and involving the recurrence of a few structural patterns
·        Construct compositions on various themes in conformity with a given rhythm and pattern.
·        Sing songs and recite poems with proper expressions and voice modulation
·        Listen to descriptions involving a few attributes related to persons  objects, places and events
·        Describe people, objects and places and events using a few attributes
·        Describe one’s own reflections on people and events
·        Listen to slogans developed for specific purposes.
·        Say slogans written for specific purposes rhythmically.
·        Listen to announcements related to specific occasions and respond to them
·        Talk to others about the announcement

2. Reading Comprehension
·        Reading pieces of dialogue given in the textbook or displayed in the class and interact with others  based on the reading
·        Construct dialogues related to a given context
·        Role play the conversations with gestures and voice modulation
·        Role-play dialogues related to specific contexts using appropriate actions and voice modulations.
·        Read descriptions depicting the characteristics of persons and scenic details of events  and places
·        Talk about the persons, places and events that they read
·        Talk about their reflections on the persons, places and events
·        Develop mind maps about the persons, events and places they read
·        Read a story / narrative involving a sequence of events and dialogues and containing sensual perceptions 
·        Talk about their understanding  and perceptions about the story
·        Talk about their  reflections on the characters and events in the story
·        Make predications on what can happen next
·        Read songs and poems  on various themes 
·        Talk about what they understood through reading
·        Comment on the  patterns of sound,  rhythm and theme
·        Reading a passage  and telling others about their reflections
·        Link what they have read with their own experience
Picture Reading:
·        Read pictures  and identify words and concepts
·        Read diary depicting feelings and reflections
·        Talk about the entries in the  diary and make their own reflections on them
·        Read personal letters and comment on them
·        Read slogans developed for specific purposes
·        Say slogans written for specific purposes rhythmically

·        Read brief notices prepared for various occasions and purposes
·        Read posters  prepared for various purposes and talk about them
·        Read announcements related to specific occasions and respond to them
·        Talk to others about the announcement

3. Conventions of Writing
Conventions of Writing:
·        Start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a period.
·        Capitalize all proper nouns, greetings, months and days of the week.
·        Capitalize the word ‘I’.
·        Capitalize the initials in names and abbreviations e.g. Mr. Mrs.
·        Use commas in the salutation and closure of a letter and with dates.
·        Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series.
·        Spell frequently misspelled words correctly (e.g., their, they’re, there).

4. Creative Writing
·        Write simple dialogues related to a specific context
·        Write descriptions depicting the characteristics of persons and scenic details of events and places.
·        Write about the persons, places and events that they read.
·        Write about their reflections on the persons, places and events
·        Write the beginning, the middle and  the end involving events , dialogues and sensual perceptions

Mind Mapping:
·        Develop mind maps about the persons, events and places they read
Short Story:
·        Write the beginning, the middle and the end involving events , dialogues and sensual perceptions
·        Write songs and poems/rhymes on various themes by adding lines in a given pattern
·        Write personal letters for various purposes
·        Write a diary depicting reflections and feelings
·        Write notices for various occasions and purposes
·        Write posters for various purposes

5. Vocabulary
·        Learn to use pronouns. Learn collective nouns.
·        Learn to express dates.
·        Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr., St.).
·        Use words relating to cries of animals. Adjectives derived from animals.
·        Give the words related to the immediate environment - vehicles, playthings.
·        Give the numbers.
·        Give action words. Give the words relating to home appliances, directions.
·         Use terms for groups of animals / habitat of animals. Identify simple multiple-meaning words.
·        Make new words by adding, deleting or changing letters.
·        Use knowledge of individual words in unknown compound words to predict their meaning.
·        Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words.

6. Grammatical Awareness
·        Various types of adjective that denote size, shape, age, colour, origin, material, etc.
·        Possessive adjectives:
·        Degrees of comparison
·        Adverbs of manner , adverbs of time , adverbs of place . 
·        Modal auxiliaries to express ability and inability. 
·        Primary auxiliaries ‘be’, ‘do’, and  ‘have’ as main verbs.
·        Articles 
·        Demonstrative pronouns. 
·        Nouns: common and proper; countable and uncountable.  Possessive form
·        Prepositions
·        Personal pronouns as subject
·        Reflexive and relative pronouns
·        Auxiliary questions (Yes / No questions): asking and answering
·        The simple sentence
·        Verbs with and without objects
·        Simple Present Tense to talk about habits, universal truths, and facts decided by the calendar
·        Simple present tense for an action taking place at the time of speaking
·        Present Continuous Tense to talk about actions in progress at the point of speaking.
·        Action verbs
·        Regular and irregular verbs
·        Gerunds and gerund phrases


1. Listening and Speaking
·        Listen to emotionally charged narratives dealing with animals, plants and human beings  and talk about it
·        Listen to a story / narrative /experience  and narrate  it with a beginning, middle and end  involving events, dialogues and sensual perceptions and with proper gestures, facial expressions and voice modulation
·        Listen to dialogues related to specific contexts  and produce one’s own dialogues
Role-play dialogues related to specific contexts using appropriate actions and voice modulation
·        Interact effectively with others on themes that are relevant to them.
Songs / Poems/Rhymes:
·        Listen to rhythmic Songs / Poems on familiar themes and involving the recurrence of a few structural patterns
·        Construct  compositions on various themes in conformity with a given rhythm and pattern.
·        Sing songs and recite poems with proper expressions and voice modulation
·        Listen to descriptions involving a few attributes related to persons  objects, places and events  to make the descriptions more vivid including scenic details
·        Describe people, objects and places and events using a few attributes  and scenic details
·        Describe one’s own reflections on people and events as vividly as possible
·        Listen to slogans developed for specific purposes.
·        Say slogans written for specific purposes rhythmically.
·        Compare their own slogans
·        Listen to announcements related to specific occasions and respond to them
·        Talk to others about the announcement
·        Make announcements for class /school functions

2. Reading Comprehension
·        Reading pieces of dialogue given in the textbook or displayed in the class and interact with others  based on the reading
·        Construct dialogues related to a given context
·        Dramatize the dialogue before the class
·        Role-play dialogues related to specific contexts using appropriate actions and voice modulations.
·        Read descriptions depicting the characteristics of persons and scenic details of events  and places
·        Talk about the persons, places and events that they read using a few attributes
·        Talk about their reflections on the persons, places and events
·        Develop mind maps about the persons, events and places they read   and incorporate their reflections wherever possible.
·        Read a story / narrative involving a sequence of events and dialogues and containing sensual perceptions 
·        Talk about their understanding  and perceptions about the story
·        Talk about their  reflections on the characters and events in the story
·        Make predications on what can happen next
·        Read songs and poems  on various themes 
·        Talk about what they understood through reading
·        Comment on the  patterns of sound,  rhythm and theme
·        Talk about their impressions on poem
·        Reading a passage and telling others about their reflections
Link what they have read with their own experience
Picture Reading:
·        Read pictures  and identify words and concepts
·        Read diary depicting feelings and reflections
·        Talk about the entries in the  diary and make their own reflections on them
·        Read personal letters and comment on them
·        Read slogans developed for specific purposes
·        Say slogans written for specific purposes rhythmically
·        Compose their own slogans
·        Read brief notices prepared for various occasions and purposes  and talk about their content
·        Read posters prepared for various purposes and talk about them
·        Read announcements related to specific occasions and respond to them
·        Talk to others about the announcement.
·        Make announcements for class /school functions
·        Read brief drama scripts and enact them

3. Conventions of Writing
Conventions of Writing:
·        Capitalize all proper nouns, greetings, months and days of the week.
·        Capitalize the initials in names and abbreviations e.g. Mr. Mrs.
·        Capitalize nationalities and languages e.g. Telugu, Tamil, American
·        Use commas in the salutation and closure of a letter and with dates.
·        Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series.
·        Use question mark and exclamation mark appropriately.
·        Spell frequently used, irregular words correctly (e.g., was, were, says, said, who, what, why).

4. Creative Writing
·        Write simple dialogues related to a specific context
·        Write descriptions depicting the characteristics of persons and scenic details of events  and places.
·        Write about the persons, places and events that they read using a few attributes.
·        Write about their reflections on the persons, places and events

·        Write the beginning, the middle and  the end involving events , dialogues and sensual perceptions
Mind Mapping:
·        Develop mind maps about persons, events and places they read and incorporate their reflections wherever possible
Short Story:
·        Write the beginning, the middle and the end involving events , dialogues and sensual perceptions
·        Write songs and poems/rhymes on various themes incorporating sensual perceptions (what they see, hear, smell, etc.)
·        Write personal letters for various purposes
·        Write a diary depicting reflections and feelings
·        Write notices for various occasions and purposes
·        Write short drama scripts
·        Write posters for various purposes
·        Write announcements  for class / school functions
·        Write brief choreography script
·        Write short essays with proper  organization and linkers

5. Vocabulary
·        Learn to use pronouns.
·        Learn collective nouns. Learn to express dates.
·        Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr., St.).
·        Use words relating to adjectives derived from animals.
·        Use/identify words denoting countries and their nationalities.
·        Give the words related to the immediate environment - vehicles, playthings. 
·        Give the numbers.
·        Give action words.
·        Give the words relating to dress, food items, and games.
·        Use terms for groups of animals / habitat of animals.
·        Give the words relating to occupation, places, home appliances, directions, animals, flowers, insects, dress, vehicles, food items, and games.
·        Identify simple multiple-meaning words.
·        Make new words by adding, deleting or changing letters.
·        Know the meaning of simple prefixes and suffixes (e.g., over-, un-, -ing, -ly).

6. Grammatical Awareness
·        Various types of adjectives that denote size, shape, age, colour, origin, material, etc. 
·        Possessive adjectives:
·        Degrees of comparison
·        Adverbs of manner adverbs of time , adverbs of place
·        Agreement between subject and verb in a sentence.
·        Modal auxiliaries to permission and prohibition
·        Connectors to express time  / sequence 
·        The indefinite article before common nouns.
·        Quantifiers + countable and uncountable nouns.
·        Nouns which are the same in both forms
·        Nouns–gender:
masculine, feminine, common, neuter ....
·        Prepositions:
·        Reflexive pronouns
·        Wh – questions:
·        The simple sentence: direct and indirect objects
·        Past Continuous Tense to talk about actions that were in progress at some time in the past  
·        Simple Past Tense to talk about completed actions, with or without mention of a specific time
·        Simple Past Tense to talk about completed actions, with or without mention of a specific time
·        ‘Will / shall’ + infinitive to talk about future.
·        ‘Be + going to’ + infinitive to talk about future

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