Summary of Principles in Language Teaching
Translation |
Method |
Silent Way
1. Goals
Read literature in L2. Develop
mind. Learn grammar, vocabulary, and culture.
Communication. Think in L2. Direct
association in L2 without translation.
Communication. Automaticity by
learning new habits. |
Self-expression of Ss;
independence from T.
Everyday Comm. Tap Ss mental
powers by desuggesting barriers to learning.
2. Role of the teacher/student
Traditional. T is the authority.
Ss learn from the T.
T directs. |
T-centered. T provides model of L2
for imitation.
T as facilitator, resource,
provides what Ss need.
S must trust and respect T as
authority. Ss adopt childlike roles once they feel secure.
3. Teaching/
Learning Process? |
Translation. Deductive study of
grammar. Memorize vocabulary.
Associate L2 and meaning directly
in real context.
Use L2 only. Inductive grammar. Syllabus based on topics/ situations. |
New grammar and vocabulary through
Drills. Inductive grammar. Learning is habit formation. |
Ss guided to discover the
structure of L2. Initial focus on accurate pronunciation.
Relaxing atmosphere, music,
activate whole brain + peripheral learning. Reception then activation phase.
4. Nature of student/teacher
T to S.
Both initiate interaction. Some
S/S interaction.
S/S in drills. |
T active, but mostly silent.
S/S interaction encouraged. |
T/S and S/S interaction from
5. How are
students’ feelings dealt with?
Positive feelings encouraged, also
S/S cooperation.
Focus on confidence and sense of
security via suggestions.
6. View of language/
Literary language over spoken
Spoken language over written.
Language as system of
Simple to complex. |
Language expresses the spirit of a
Communication as a 2-phase
process: language + extra- linguistic factors.
7. What language
skills are emphasized?
grammar. Reading/writing. |
Vocabulary over grammar.
Focus on communication.
Structure important.
write. |
Pronunciation & intonation.
Oral before written. |
Vocabulary. Explicit but minimal
grammar. Language use over linguistic form.
8. Role of the native language?
L1 in classroom. Two-way
Not used.
L1 habits interfere
with L2. Avoid L1. |
Used to form sounds in L2 and for
feedback. Otherwise not used.
L1 used in translation of
dialogues. As course proceeds, L1 reduced.
9. How does evaluation occur?
Written translations. Apply
grammar rules.
Use of language (interview).
Discrete point testing for
Continuous observation. Ss develop
their own criteria.
In-class performance.
10. Treatment of errors?
T supplies correct answer.
Avoid errors by overlearning.
Self-correction; peer correction.
No overt correction Modelled
11. Associated with whom?
Francois Gouin, Charles Berlitz
Charles Fries
Caleb Gattegno
Georgi Lozanov
Community Language Learning
Total Physical Response
Natural Approach
Communicative Language Teaching
1. Goals
Communication. Promote nondefensive learning.
Communication. Learning L1=
learning L2. |
Communicative competence. Facilitate acquisition by
providing comprehensible input (i+1).
Communication in social context. Appropriacy.
Functional competence.
2. Role of the teacher/student?
Counselor/client. As S assumes more responsibility,
becomes independent of T.
Director. T provides model of L2 for imitation.
Later role reversal.
T as facilitator. Primary responsibility is with S.
Facilitator. Manager of learning activities.
Promotes communication among Ss.
3. Teaching/
Learning Process |
Security, aggression, attention, reflection,
retention, discrimination. Ss initiate speech in L1, T supplies L2.
Comprehension before production. Modelling by T
followed by performance.
Comprehension before production. Developing model
approximates L2 (L1, . . . L2). Gradual emergence of speech. Task oriented.
Ss learn to communicate by negotiating meaning in
real context. Activities include information gap, choice, feedback.
4. Nature of student/teacher
Changes over time. Importance placed on cooperative
relationship between T/S and S/S.
T speaks, Ss respond nonverbally. Later, Ss
S-centered. Both initiate interaction. S/S
interaction in pair and small group activities.
T arranges tasks for communication. S/S interaction.
5. How are students’ feelings
dealt with?
S viewed as whole person, no separation of intellect
and feelings. T "understands” Ss.
Ss have fun in a nonstressful situation.
Affective factors over cognitive factors. Optimal
learner has low affective filter.
Ss are motivated to learn thru usefulness of
language functions.
6. View of language/
Language for developing critical thinking. Culture
integrated with language.
Spoken over written.
Language as a tool for communication. Language
function over linguistic form.
Language in social context, for communication.
7. What skills are emphasized?
Ss determine syllabus by what they what to say.
Grammar and vocabulary (initially via imperatives).
Comprehension precedes production.
Vocabulary over grammar. Function over form.
earlyproduction–s speech emergence. |
Function over form. Discourse and sociolinguistic
competence + all 4 skills.
8. Role of L1?
Used in the beginning, less in later stages.
Not used.
L1 can be used in preproduction (comprehension)
Generally not used.
9. How does evaluation occur?
Integrative tests. Self-evaluation.
By observation.
Communicative effectiveness. Fluency over accuracy.
Task oriented.
Communicative tests. Fluency and accuracy.
10. Treatment of errors?
Nonthreatening. Correction by modelling.
Unobtrusive correction.
No error correction unless errors interfere with
No error correction unless errors interfere with
11. Associated with whom?
Charles Curran
James Asher
Tracy Terrell, Stephen Krashen
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