September nineteen hundred and forty six was a day of inspiration of her Choked
by the cosy comfort of the convent, she heard the clarion call from Jesus to go
and serve the hopeless and the poor. She took training in nursing and
established her house. Sisters take four vows .Poverty:-they must be poor to
know the poor. Chastity:-so that they can focus their attention of Christ.
Obedience:-do God's well. Free Service:-A special vow of free service to the
poor. Her vision is love and care for the people whom no one wants. Her
motto is," by Love Serve One Another ".People of kolkatta are very
fond of her. She has Indianised herself with sari as an attire, and Bengali as
a language. She started her work a meager amount of Rs. Five. For her needs she
depends on God and people.Many awards have been conferred on Mother Teresa. She
uses her award money to start more homes. She compares her work with a drop in
the ocean. But that missing drop also contributes to the vastness of the ocean.
The ocean would be less because of that missing drop. This shows her
dedication, irrespective of anything significant. However small, acts of love
and charity are important .The worst thing for man is to un wanted. The only
cure for the suffering mankind is to have willing hands to serve,and a loving
heart to care for. Rightly, to the people of kolkatta, She is known as
"The lady, the Slums, the Angel of Mercy, the Gentle mother".
and Answers:-
- How did Mother Teresa prepare
herself to work for the people?
A. Teresa was
in a convent. On 10th September, 1946,she heard a call from Jesus Christ. She
was asked to give up all and go into the slums to serve the poorest of the
poor. At once she got permission from the people and the blessing of pope to
serve the poor. She received training in nursing in Patna and prepared herself
to work for the poor.
- What is the impression that you
get of the city of Calcutta? How did Mother Teresa herself feel about the
city and its people?
A. Calcutta
is a busy city with tram- cars, buses, trucks, bullock-carts, rickshaws and
countless pedestrians. There are many slums and the railway stations are full of
abandoned children, the hungry, diseased, destitute and the dying. No city in
the world can vie with Calcutta for the poor and needy. Patients lie in front
of hospitals. In short, it is a hell-hole city.
Mother Teresa loves the people of Calcutta, who ,she says, have a special
warmth. She quotes the example of an unknown lady who had brought her hot food
and helped her to continue the service of the flood victims.
- What constitutes a typical day
of a Charity?
A. In Mother
Teresa House, the day begins at 4:30 A. m. The nuns assemble
and pray and meditate for two hours. Then they go to work. Firstly they wash
all the dirty linen brought from for the Dying, Sushu Bhavan, the Slum Schools,
leprosaria etc. Then they have a quick breakfast. Soon they go to their places
of duty with supplies of powdered milk and medicines. They return in the
evening. They have an early supper. Then they pray again and meditate and go to
bed in their dormitories by 10:00 p.m.
- What idea do you get of the
scale of operation of Mother Teresa's organization ?
A. The
operation of the Missionaries of Charity are spread over to 35 indian cities
and towns and to other countries. Sri Lanka, Australia, England, Ireland,
Italy, countries of the middle East and Central Afric A.
- How does Kush want Singh
describe Mother Teresa? What is her uniqueness?
A. Mother
Teresa is barely five feet tall and thin. She has deep grayish brown eyes. She
has high cheek bones and thin lips. Her wrinkled face reveals her hard life.
Her dress hides all female charms. It is a blue -bordered white sari, which
covers her head up to the eyebrows . A small iron cross dangles on her left
shoulder. Her uniqueness lies in her simplicity and also in merging herself
with the common people.
- Mother Teresa describes 10th
September, 1946, as "Inspiration day " and a 'Day of Decision '
. why ? How did this lead to a New Order ?
A. Mother
Teresa felt that her being shut away from the world in convent was against the
spirit of her being shut away from the world in convent was against the spirit
of her calling. On 10th September, 1946 she was going to Darjeeling in a train
to make her retreat. Suddenly she heard the call from Jesus Christ to give up
all and follow him to the slums to serve the poorest of the poor. At once she
got permission from the people and had intensive training in nursing in patn A. She
opened her first slum school in 1948. Her first student , Subhasini Das, Joined
the Missionaries of Charity and changed her name in to Sister Agnes. And thus,
a New Order came into being.
- What made Mother Teresa decide
to give up teaching and serve the poor?
A. Mother
Teresa started her career as a Geography teacher in St. Mary's High School in
Calcutta and later because its principal. But on the 10th September, 1946 she
received a call from Jesus Christ who asked her to give up all and follow him
to the slums to serve him among the poorest of the poor. Hence Mother Teresa
decided to give up teaching and serve the poor.
- In what way was 10th September,
1946 Important in Mother Teresa's Life?
A. On 10th
September, 1946, Mother Teresa was going to Darjeeling by train to make her
retreat. Suddenly she heard a call from Jesus Christ asking her to give up all
and follow him to the slums to serve him among the poorest of the poor. Having
got the Pope's permission and blessings, she received in intensive training in
nursing in patna and opened her first slum school in 1948 and a new order came
into being. The day was so important in Mother Teresa's Life that she described
it as "Inspiration day" and the day of "Decision".
- What are the four vows taken by
the New Order or the Missionaries of Charity?
A. The
Missionaries of Charity takes the following vows:
Vow of poverty: to be able to understand and serve the poor.
Vow of Chastity: to give their hearts complete to Christ in the service of the
Vow of obedience: to take all vows according to obedience and to do God's will
in everything.
Special Vow whole hearted free service to the poor.Without being the mercenary
of the rich.
- Why did Mother Teresa have a
special interest in the drying ?
A. Mother
Teresa thinks that showing special interest in the dying is a vocation. It is a
call because nobody wants the dying, the sick and the crippled. She wanted those
that nobody wanted, no one loved or cared. One day she saw a woman lying in
front of a hospital . She was half-eaten by rats and maggots. The sight moved
her. She took care of the woman till she died. Thus her interest in the dying
- What nationality was Mother
Teresa by birth? Which country is she citizen of now ? "…she
assiduously Indianised herself". In what ways has Mother Teresa
Indianised herself?
A. By birth
Mother Teresa was of Yugoslavia nationality. But she is now of Indian
Nationality. She adopted the Indian sari for her dress. She adopted the Indian
style of squatting cross- legged in a chapel. She began to eat Indian food in
Indian style. She learnt Bengali. In this way she assiduously Indianised
- She is blessed with certainties",
wrote Muggeridge. Give one instance.?
A. On being
asked who had been the dominant influence in her life- Gandhi, Nehru or
Schweitzer, she replied without a pause 'Jesus Christ'. When the author asked
her about the books that influenced her, she at once said " The
scripture". These facts reveal she is blessed with certainties and
- What does Mother Teresa think
is more important to her work than money? How much money did she started
her first school in the slums?
A. Getting
people involved in the work and make them think that the sick , old and hungry
are their brothers is more important , according to Mother Teresa . She thought
that money was no problem at all and she was never short of it. She started her
first slum school with just Rs. 5 and when people learnt of her good work they
brought her things and money.
- What were some of the award
that Mother Teresa received and how did she spend the money?
A. She
received the following awards :
Magsaysay Award worth 10,000 U.S , dollars. She started a Leper Home with the
money. Pope Paul's White Lincoln Car fetched her Rs.4,000,000. She opened
another Leper Home.
1971, Pope John XXIII peace Prize worth 21,500 dollars was given to Mother
leper colony In Bengal. The Good Samaritan Award and the Joseph Kennedy Jr.
Foundation Award fetched her 50,000 dollars with which she opened a home for
the crippled and mentally retarded children.
- "There are too many poor
and destitute in the world today. How much can you do for them?"asked
Kushwant Sing . What was Mother Teresa's reply?
A. Mother
Teresa humbly says that her service to the poor of the world may be just a drop
in the ocean. If that drop is not there, the ocean will be less because of that
missing drop. If is not the size of the work that matters but the work itself.
She knows that she cannot given food to all the hungry, and medicines to all
the sick of the world.
- What is the worst of all the
diseases, according to Mother Teresa? Why? How does Nirmal Shishu Bhavan
demonstrate this idea?
A. "Being
unwanted" is the worst disease that any human being can experience. Mother
Teresa says so because other diseases can be cured with medicines. But, this
disease can be cured by willing hands to serve and a loving heart to
Sishu Bhavan is one such home which care of abandoned children and premature
babies. They are reared there with at most care and concern demonstrating how
the unwanted ought to be looked after.
- What does this article on
Mother Teresa start with?
A. The
article on 'Mother Teresa' start with a high praise of her that she is the best
known and best loved citizen of Indi A. It also ends with the
same note that the people of Kolkata have heaped encomiums on her. The tempo
has, thus been maintained right from the first sentence to the last. It is a
good way to begin and also to end.
- What reason does mother Teresa
give for choosing and in particular, Kolkata?
A. Mother
Teresa says that India is a missionary country and she is sent there. She says
she loves the people of Kolkat A. Their warmth of affection is
unique. She relates an experience. Once she was bringing victims to a place of
shelter during the floods. Then a lady brought food for her in the car. Mother
Teresa says that such affectionate people cannot be found anywhere in the
- Speaking about money, mother
says, "It is all divine providence". What miracles did she
A. Once in
winter season they ran out of quilts. Some sheets were found but there was no
cotton to stuff to stuff in them. She was about to rip open her pillow when
someone knocked at the door. It was a man who said he was going abroad and came
there to leave his quilts and mattresses with Mother Teres A. On
another occasion they ran short of rice. A strange lady who had never been to
then the exact quantity of rice they needed towards their daily ration.
- What is Mother Teresa referring
to ? What does she imply?
A. Mother
Teresa humbly say that her service to the poor of the world may be just a drop
in the ocean but if it is not there. The ocean will be less by that missing
drop. Here she wants to convey that it is not he size of the work that matters
but the work itself. She knows that she cannot give food to all the hungry and
medicines to all the sick in the world.
. Choose the correct
meaning of the word given.
- Notorious : Like by people (Popular)
well known for something bad (Famous)
- Xenophobia : Fear of opponents/ Unreasonable hatred and fear of
strangers / unnecessary fear of subordinates / fear of haveing to face an
- Thoroughfare : To fare thoroughly (Road or street with much traffic)
Complete fare (To fare without forgetting anything)
- Cluster : A very large crowd / A number persons etc in a small
groups / A collection of vehicles (A branch)
- Foregather : Come together (Gather in the front) / Gather in a
place in a place in advance / Take sides in a fight in groups
- Dispensary : Capable of being done without / A person who
distributes / A place where medicines are dispensed (A medical shop)
- Innumerable : Infinite ( a number that can be ignored)
Too many to be counted (too few)
- Destitute : Left out with any care (abandoned person) / Without
possessions or money /
An institute caring for people
- Spardely : in extravagance (too much)
Very little (only now and then)
- Homely : as in a home (decorated )
Simple or plain (stately)
- Charisma : magical powers (special charm)
Unlimited control(beauty)
- Austere : simple, without ornament (very grave)
- Celebrity : performing a function in a grand way / A famous person
/ The celebration of a festival / State of living unmarried
- Dangle : jump with one leg(hand loosely)
An ornamental band worn round the ankle
- 15.Cloistered : grouped in a place (open to the place )
Shut away from the world (gathered)
- Retreat : To go forward (treat against)
To go back (retire)
- viewith : To challenge (to comptete with )
To envy (to fight with )
- Congregation : A social group(A religious group )
A meeting (a division of congress )
- Assiduously : in a careless manner (with great effort) / with
careful and constant
attention (repeatedly)
- Conviction : Firm belief(the act of making a person to
Strong will (determination)
- Miracle : Just what was expected / That which does not follow /
know laws of nature
- Providence : God's care (providing for future use
Provisions (fortune)
- Escort : To go with (A cart used in older days)
to lead a movement (a group of fellows )
- Elucidate : Explain (give in brief )
to question (make it difficult to understand )
- Accolade : Thanks giving (public disapproval)
Strong praise and approval(welcome)
- Elite : Get down (disturbing peace)
Most important people in a social group (rich people)
- Apostle : Follower of any leader / One of the twelve followers
of Christ / A religious leader (a pastor)
- Spastic : having more space(not being systematic )
Suffering from a kind of paralysis(indifferent)
III.Select the
best option that conveys the meaning of the underlined word and write it.
- The Government has been
spending enormous sums of money on education. [ ]
a)very small b)insufficient c)enough d)very large
- He began to recount his
experiences. [ ]
a)count again b)go into a flashback c)narrate d)recite
- All commodities are
in short supply. [ ]
a)kinds of clothes b)useful things of trade c)articles of
food d)luxurious articles
- Intensive cultivation is being carried in west Godavari Disdrict
[ ]
a)extending over a large area
b)concentrating on a small area of land to produce more
c)improved d)very deep
- The District Collector called a
meeting of theelite of the district to discuss the pronlem of
drought. [ ]
a)elected representatives b)important people c)rich people
d)educated people
- you must be very careful in
choosing you vocation. [ ]
a)a long holiday b)the way you spend your holiday c)profession
d)course of study
- This is a sparsely furnished
office. [ ]
a)with a little furniture
b)with necessary furniture
c)with old furniture d)with no furniture
- The office has been inaugurated
by a local celebrity. [ ]
a)leader b)worker
c)famous person d)important person
- She has won a gold chain in
a raffle. [ ]
a)competition b)lottery c)auction d)scheme
- I could not bear the vulgar language.
[ ]
a)very difficult b)very easy c)ill- mannered d)flattering
- we should not try to capitalize on
the mistake of the opponent. [ ]
a) to supply capital to
b) convert into use as capital
c) to take advantage of d) to blame
- He cold not restrain his
anger. [ ]
a) keep under control b) strain again
c) a period of rest after rain
d) to prevent one from doing something
IV.Fill in the
blanks with the appropriate word given in the brackets.
- That afternoon the author was
with Mother Teresa on a begging______________
(job, profession, mission ) for the orphans .
- The minister was
_______________(escorted, guided, accompanied) into his chamber by his
security personnel.
- The lecturer _________________
(showed, demonstrated , practiced) us the experiment.
- Kerala is thickly ; it is a
___________(popular, populous, less populous )state.
- The _____________(deceased,
diseased, destitute)left a large sum of money to his wife.
V. Find the
wrongly spelt word in each set and write it correctly:
- commissionor Junior minor
- vacation vocation permition
- Attendance providence dance
- recive relieve perceive deceive
- permanent prominent dominant
VI.In each of
the following groups of words, find the word in which the underlined part is
pronounced in the same way as in the key word.
- Realize
: advise urge forgery
- Elucidate
: premature measure
- Bureau
: beautiful thorough
- Disease
: horses demise
- Unique
: umbrella uncle tube
- Church
: Christian chandelier
- Provision
: passion erosion
- Leisure
: ensure pressure
VII. In the
following passage the end of each sentence is not indicated. Decide where each
sentence ends and write the last word followed by(.) or(!). or (?) 1. She speaks with an Indian lilt in her voice like
convent-bred Indians she often ends her sentence with an interrogatory no
meaning isn't that so her answers are very brief. VIII. Punctuate and rewrite. 1. What about books have you read anything that you consider
having influenced your thinking the scripture. IX. Read the sentence (a) and then complete the sentence (b) using the
ideas in (a) keep sentence (b) as close in meaning as possible to sentence(a).
- a) you did not invite me; so I
didn't attend your birthday party.
b) If you
- a) Let us not reject it. They
have brought it all the way from Kolkat
b) Now that
- a) Murali cannot attend
college. He is suffering from fever.
b) As .....................................................
- a) "I will buy a new saree
tomorrow ," she said to him.
b) She told .....................................................
- a) Nothing can be attained in
b) we
X. Identity the part of speech of
the each underlined word:
- She let a gentle smile
come over her face.
Ans: a) …………….. b) ……………..
c) …………….. d) ……………..
- This vow means
that we cannot work for therich.
Ans: a) …………….. b) ……………..
c) …………….. d) ……………..
- They are usually a few jeeps,
a van or a mobile clinic.
Ans: a) …………….. b) ……………..
c) …………….. d) ……………..
Key Answers:
1. Well known for
something bad.
2. Unreasonable
hatred and bear of strangers
3. Road or street
with much traffic
4. a number person
etc in a small group
5. Come
6. A place where
medicines are dispensed
7. Too many to be
8. Without
possessions or money
9. Very little
10. Simple or plain
11. Special charm
12. Simple without
13. A famous person
14. Hang
15. Shut away from
the world
16. To go forward
17. To compete
18. a religious group
19. with careful and
constant attention
20. firm belief
21. that which does
not follow known laws of nature
22. god's care
23. to go with
24. explain
25. strong praise and
26. most important
people in a social group
27. one of the twelve
followers of Christ
. 1) d 2) b 3) c 4) b
5) b
6) c 7) a 8) c 9) b
10) c
11) c 12) a
1) mission
2) escorted
3) demonstrated
4) populous
5) deceased
1) commissioner
2) permission
3) None
4) receive
VI. 1)
advise 2) bureau 3) though
4) horses 5) tube 6)
7) erosion 8)
voice (.) no (?) so
(?) brief (.)
VIII. What
about books ? Have you read anything that you consider having influenced your
thinking ? "The script".
1. If you had invited
me, I would have attended your birthday party.
2. Now that you have
brought it all the way from Calcutt A. We
should not reject it.
3. As Murali is
suffering from fever , he cannot attend college.
4. She told him that
she would by a new saree the following day.
5. We cannot attain
any thing in hurry.
1. let - verb
gentle - adjusting
over -
face - noun
2. vow - noun
we - pronoun
for -
rich - noun
3. are - verb
usually -
few - adjective
or – conjunction
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