Saturday, August 25, 2012


Listening, reading, and viewing
Processes and strategies
Students will:
·         Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies purposefully, confidently, and precisely to identify, form, and express increasingly sophisticated ideas.
o    selects and reads texts for enjoyment and personal fulfilment
o    recognises, understands, and appreciates the connections between oral, written, and visual language
o    integrates sources of information and prior knowledge purposefully, confidently, and precisely to make sense of increasingly varied and complex texts
o    selects and uses appropriate processing and comprehension strategies with confidence and discrimination
o    thinks critically about texts with understanding and confidence
o    monitors, self-evaluates, and describes progress, articulating learning with confidence.
By using these processes and strategies when listening, reading, or viewing, students will:
Purposes and audiences
·         Show a discriminating understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
o    recognises, understands, and appreciates how texts are constructed for a range of intentions and situations
o    identifies particular points of view within texts and understands that texts can position a reader
o    Evaluates the reliability and usefulness of texts.
·         Show a discriminating understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.
o    makes meaning by understanding increasingly sophisticated ideas
o    makes connections by analysing ideas within and between texts from a range of contexts
o    understands that there may be multiple readings available within a text
o    makes and supports inferences from texts independently.
Language features
·         Show a discriminating understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts.
o    identifies a range of increasingly sophisticated oral, written, and visual language features and understands their effects
o    uses an increasing vocabulary to make meaning
o    understands and analyses how text conventions work together to create meaning and effect
o    understands that authors have different voices and styles and appreciates these differences.
·         Show a discriminating understanding of a range of structures.
o    identifies and understands the characteristics and conventions of a range of text forms and appreciates how they contribute to and affect text meaning.
Speaking, writing, and presenting
Processes and strategies
Students will:
·         Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies purposefully, confidently, and precisely to identify, form, and express increasingly sophisticated ideas.
o    uses an increasing understanding of the connections between oral, written, and visual language when creating text
o    creates a range of increasingly coherent, varied, and complex texts by integrating sources of information and processing strategies
o    seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to improve clarity, meaning, and effect
o    is reflective about the production of own texts: monitors and self-evaluates progress, articulating learning with confidence.
By using these processes and strategies when speaking, writing, or presenting, students will:
Purposes and audiences
·         Show a discriminating understanding of how to shape texts for different audiences and purposes.
o    constructs a range of texts that demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of purpose and audience through deliberate choice of content, language, and text form
o    conveys and sustains personal voice where appropriate.
·         Select, develop, and communicate sustained ideas on a range of topics.
o    develops, communicates, and sustains increasingly sophisticated ideas, information, and understandings
o    creates coherent, planned whole texts by adding details to ideas or making links to other ideas and details
o    ideas show depth of thought and awareness of a range of dimensions or viewpoints.
Language features
·         Select and integrate a range of language features appropriately for a variety of effects.
o    uses a wide range of oral, written, and visual language features fluently and with control to create meaning and effect and to sustain interest
o    uses an increasing vocabulary to communicate precise meaning
o    uses a wide range of text conventions, including grammatical and spelling conventions, appropriately, effectively, and with accuracy.
·         Organise texts, using a range of appropriate, coherent, and effective structures.
o    Organizes and develops ideas and information for a particular purpose or effect, using the characteristics and conventions of a range of text forms with control.

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