In order to be proficient and productive students,
English-language learners (ELLs) need many opportunities to interact in social
and academic situations. Effective teachers encourage their students'
participation in classroom discussions, welcome their contributions, and
motivate them by such practices. However, many educators often allow their less
proficient students to remain silent or to participate less than their
English-fluent peers. I recently participated in a study focusing on how
mainstream classroom teachers helped local dialect -speaking immigrant students
become successful at school. During the observations, I noticed that the
teachers missed many opportunities to help ELLs communicate in class, allowing
them to be less involved in oral interactions.
A byproduct of that study was the analysis presented in this note.
We considered what classroom teachers could do to more fully engage ELLs in
teacher-student interactions, especially during teacher-led question-and-answer
sequences. Essentially, teachers can elicit more from the less proficient or
reticent students if they consider various response options and then enlarge
their response repertoires in order to encourage students' participation and
help develop their language proficiencies.
There are several reasons why ELLs may struggle to respond
appropriately to teachers' prompts and questions. Certainly, not all teacher
questions are clearly understood by students, and, if such is the case,
teachers should rephrase or clarify queries in order to facilitate student
comprehension. Teachers may also not wait long enough for students to consider
a question and formulate a response. In addition, while first-language learning
is largely motivated by a child's intrinsic desire to socialize,
second-language learning often needs more extrinsic influence. Wong Fillmore's
(1991) model of second-language learning identified three motivational
components that contribute to student progress: interest from the learners,
proficient speakers who support and interact with the learners, and an
environment that supports relationships between learners and proficient
speakers. Students may not wish to participate if the teacher expects them
simply to recite low-level knowledge or if the teacher sets low expectations
for the students. Clarity, wait time, higher order thinking, and higher
expectations are factors that influence the quality of teacher interactions
with all students, but some factors pertain more specifically to the
participation of ELLs.
Immigrant students may come from remote cultures that do not expect students to ask or
answer questions during classroom discussions. These students often perceive
the teacher to have elevated status and think that, as students, they should
respectfully listen — rather than talk — in the company of their teachers.
Because our classrooms are often less formal (e.g., teachers sitting on the
floor, students working in groups) than their previous educational
environments, immigrant students sometimes take a while to adapt to the typical
question-answer sequence that is common there. In addition, language
acquisition theory hypothesizes that language learners experience an initial
silent period, which is time spent receiving the language as input, prior to
developing language-production skills. Some teachers are aware of these stages
and respect the language-acquisition process by not calling on their ELLs. In
order to not embarrass or intimidate their ELL students, however, teachers
sometimes continue to give dispensations when it comes to responding in class.
I have observed that many students new to U.S. culture and its educational
system, and students who are timid or reluctant for any reason, often do not
participate readily in class discussions and thereby assume a more passive role
in classroom interactions
While classroom discourse events vary,
research has indicated that teacher talk dominates classroom communication. Teachers
perform 76% of classroom talk. Ramirez, Yuen, Ramey, and Merino (1986)
categorized teacher talk as consisting of explanations, questions, commands,
modeling, and feedback. Other studies of teacher discourse in primary grades
indicated that teacher talk is often managerial rather than conversational in
nature noted that 60% of teacher talk
involved asking questions, primarily display questions, which expect students
to recall information taught previously by the teacher. In one study of
effective primary teachers of literacy, Mohr (1998) tallied the number of
questions asked by the teachers in the study at almost 100 per hour. Therefore,
the preponderance of teacher talk and the teacher's use of questions continue
as factors in how much classroom talk time is shared with students; both the
quantity and quality of such interactions deserve scrutiny. For example, there
are differences between direct and indirect instruction; the nature of
large-group discussion requires more guidance from the teacher than do
small-group interactions (Johnston, 2004), and English-language learners may
need different support in their communication efforts than do fluent English
speakers. Thus, aspects of teacher-led discussions and discourse patterns
warrant our continued attention.
Asking and answering questions are
typical interactions and are expected in most classrooms. A very common
exchange is referred to as the Initiation-Response-Evaluation (IRE) sequence
(Mehan, 1979), similar to what Tharp and Gallimore (1988) termed
"recitation questioning." However, the IRE routine may not often be
supportive of ELLs because it is a convergent process of seeking one right
answer. ELLs may not be able to verbalize that answer in a teacher-expected
manner (Fitzgerald, 1993; Jiménez, García, & Pearson, 1996). Wells and
Chang-Wells (1992) recommended that the third component of such exchanges be
feedback, rather than evaluation, so that the teacher does more than praise or
evaluate the student's response. Such feedback can achieve a variety of goals —
it can clarify, connect, and elaborate the verbal interactions between teachers
and students and among students themselves.
Cazden (2001) differentiated teachers'
display questions from exploratory queries. Display questions have specific and
generally agreed-upon answers, while exploratory talk is speaking "without
the answers fully intact" (p. 170). Display queries function to confirm
the teacher's instruction, while the latter is more confirming of students as
they exercise self-expression and refine their thinking. As Cazden also noted,
"If the potentialities of classroom discourse, in which students talk more
and in more varied ways, are significant for all students, then we have to pay
careful attention to who speaks and who receives thoughtful responses" (p.
Another well-recognized discourse
structure is the "instructional conversation" (Goldenberg, 1993;
Perez, 1996; Stipek, 2002; Williams, 2001). Goldenberg characterized an
instructional conversation as excellent discussion that is interesting,
engaging, relevant to students, and discernible throughout and that has a high
level of participation that builds upon, challenges, extends, and varies the
roles of the participants (teacher and students). One key role of the teacher in
instructional conversations is what Perez called conversational uptakes,
connective comments that respect the student and afford linguistic scaffolds
that foster more and better discussion of academic topics. As Reyes, Scribner,
and Scribner (1999) pointed out, "teachers who apply the concept of
instructional conversations embrace the philosophy that talking and thinking go
together, and assume that the student may have something to say beyond what the
student's teacher or peer is thinking or already knows" (p. 202).
English-language learners may not have sufficient English to readily express
complex ideas, so teachers must respond in ways that facilitate ELLs' efforts
to share their thinking and contribute their voices to classroom communication.
In academic settings, both
question-answer and conversational formats entail the use of academic language.
Even students who are conversationally proficient need exposure to and practice
with academic language in order to function successfully at school (Díaz-Rico,
2004; Weber & Longhi-Chirlin, 2001). This important aspect of school
success is also known as cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP).
Academic language or CALP in English-speaking classrooms is characterized by
Latinate vocabulary; subordinate grammatical constructions (e.g., participial
phrases, dependent clauses); less reliance on temporal currency (discussing
generalizations, rather than specific events); and rhetorical and cohesive
devices, such as conjunctions and figurative language (Wong Fillmore, 2002).
These linguistic competencies can be greatly enhanced by wide reading but are
generally not learned apart from schooling processes. It is the teacher's
responsibility, then, to model and support students' use of both conversational
and academic language structures because these are not parallel processes.
While students' command of
conversational fluency is more readily accomplished, proficiency in academic
language appears to take five to seven years (Collier, 1989; Cummins, 1981).
Academic language is certainly more than vocabulary acquisition. Competence in
academic English certainly cannot be accomplished without exposure to and
practice with the vocabulary and the structures that characterize the language
of school. The teacher can model academic language functions, such as seeking
information, comparing, problem solving, and evaluating, and then use classroom
interactions to guide students' use of academic talk. The opportunity to speak
academic language before using it in written work is important for English
language learners. It should not be assumed that being able to understand
academic language as input is equal to being able to produce it. Teachers can
provide the support that students need to acquire this more formal register via
their own modeling or think-alouds (Gibbons, 2002; Weber & Longhi-Chirlin,
2001) and then foster the use of similar structures via interactive
discussions, allowing students to use academic language in context.
Recommended practice
Currently, there is strong support for
socially constructed learning, which is based on Vygotsky's theory of
sociocultural learning (1978). Vygotsky's work, as interpreted by educators,
fosters students' construction of knowledge, rather than simple acceptance or
reception of transferred information. Accordingly, the teacher serves as a
mediator, using language to support and scaffold student learning within a
social relationship. An essential tenet of Vygotsky's theory is that who we are
and how we think are functions of the social interactions in which we
participate (Diaz & Flores, 2001). As García (2001) put it, "teaching,
in this theoretical view, is perceived as assisted performance.... Learning is
performance achieved through assistance" (p. 232). If learning is assisted
or well scaffolded (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976), students can accomplish
tasks and achieve learning that they would not be able to do on their own.
Thus, according to this theory, the role of the teacher is integral to student
learning. It is the teacher who facilitates the active transformation of
knowledge — or what Cazden (2001) referred to as appropriation — and who
supports the students' construction of new skills and competencies.
An important distinction made by Cazden
(2001) is that teachers are responsible for both the affective and academic
aspects of effective classrooms and classroom talk. Teachers can direct
classroom discourse so that both these goals are targeted and supported. For
example, teachers can accept, deny, recast, expand, or encourage elaboration of
students' responses. "Success for students in culturally diverse
classrooms depends on the degree to which there are strategies that encourage
all students to talk and work together" (DeVillar & Faltis, 1991). One
strategy (among many) promoted by Echevarria and Graves (2003) is the use of
direct, rather than indirect, questions to promote clarity. So while
instructional talk should be engaging, there is a place to use direct questions
of students and then facilitate the elaboration of their responses as a means
to develop academic language use and motivate them as learners.
For ELLs especially, the teacher serves
as a conduit for sharing information and scaffolding social and academic
language. Low levels of instruction and low-quality interactions often combine
to yield poor academic achievement among students who are busy constructing the
meaning of the language and the content of school. Rich language interactions,
however, encourage thinking, social relationships, and expanded language use. As
Johnston (2004) admonished, we "have to think more carefully about the
language we use to offer our students the best learning environments we
can" (p. 1).
Causes for
During the recent research project
mentioned earlier, I (Mohr, first author) made regular observations of
immigrant students newly admitted to a public elementary school (Mohr, 2004).
One salient finding of the study of the immigrant students' first year in the
school district was the minimal time they spent talking, either in whole-class
or small-group formats. The teachers, although well intended and courteous to
ELLs, were reluctant to engage the newcomers in classroom discussion (Mohr;
Wilhelm et al., 2004). The limited oral interaction for these immigrants was
addressed in subsequent teacher interviews, and the teachers claimed that they
were allowing an extended silent period (of nearly 10 months at the point of
the study) to the new students — letting them get comfortable. To observers,
however, the students seemed neglected. Perhaps the teachers were affected by
the presence of the researchers, but the teachers were aware that the focus of
the study was on the social and academic adjustment of the new immigrant
students, so it was more likely that the teachers paid as much or more
attention to these students during the observations than they did otherwise.
The lack of teacher-supported discourse among the students served as the
impetus for further research and this current discussion.
The results of the aforementioned study
were not atypical. ELLs are often less engaged and less vocal in class, posing
a challenge for teachers, especially less experienced ones (Laosa, 1977;
Penfield, 1987; Schinke-Llano, 1983). Novice teachers often ask low-level
questions to quickly get to a simple, right answer. However, more effort on the
part of the teacher to challenge students with open-ended and exploratory
questions can yield richer instructional communications.
During the aforementioned study, the
observers realized that the teachers were not making use of the variety of
communication options available to them. To maximize instructional
interactions, teachers should consider various response options and enlarge
their repertoires to encourage students' participation in socially constructed
learning. For example, one aspect of teacher-supported interaction is how to
handle students' silence. Language learners certainly can understand more than
they can produce, especially at the beginning stages. Therefore, just because
students do not speak out does not mean that they do not comprehend the
discussion or have something to contribute.
Teachers should assume that, like an
iceberg that shows only a small percentage of its mass above the water,
students have a great deal of competence that is not yet evident. Put simply,
"teachers and researchers need to be careful not to interpret silence or
one-word answers as lack of knowledge" (Cazden, 2001, p. 86). This might
be particularly true among learners who have not consistently been held to high
expectations. In an interesting study of working class boys, Brown and her
colleagues (as cited in Cazden, 2001) determined that working class boys needed
twice as many prompts as middle class children to elicit the same knowledge
base. This indicates that teachers might have to be persistent in their efforts
to engage students in classroom talk, especially those whose language and
cultural backgrounds differ from that of the teacher.
Enlarging the teacher's repertoire
Anticipating possible language
difficulties should lead to appropriate scaffolding, not lowered Extending
English-language learners' classroom interactions using the Response Protocol
443 expectations for student performance. Therefore, teachers should diligently
seek to engage ELLs in classroom talk. ELLs should be expected to participate,
and when they do their responses could fall into one or more of the following
six categories: an appropriate or correct response; a partially correct
response; an incorrect or inappropriate response; a response in their native
language, rather than in English; another question; or no response. What should
teachers do in response to these possibilities? How can they prepare to address
these opportunities to support students' learning? The following Response
Protocol is designed to help teachers better their understanding of students'
language development and broaden their repertoires for meeting the needs of
this special population. (All names used in the samples are pseudonyms.)
Responses that are correct
If a student responds with a suitable
answer to a teacher-generated question, the teacher may be gratified by the
student's confirmation of the teaching-learning process. Most teachers praise
students for correct responses. However, if the question-answer sequence
attends to low-level thinking processes (e.g., recall, yes or no items,
confirmational queries), teachers can make appropriate use of praise (Brophy,
1981), but they should also encourage students to elaborate their responses.
ELLs know more than they might readily speak of, so even when giving an
appropriate response, they should be encouraged to tell more, to explain their
answers, or to elaborate their responses (see Table 1). Another element to add
to appropriate responses is a confirmation that the student's use of English is
effective. Even if uttered in nonstandard English, if the message is
comprehensible and evidences the student's understanding, commenting about the
correctness and comprehensibility of the English should serve to encourage
participation and elaboration on the part of the student.

For example, once during a shared
reading about reptiles with a small group of English language learners, a boy
named Akhil was very interested in the section on turtles. He excitedly
responded to the teacher's open-ended question, "What do you know about
Turtles can go.
Yes, turtles can go, but where and how?
Turtles go maybe fast over.
Akhil, tell me more about how turtles go?
A turtle go over the road to be safe. I know because I saw
Yes, Akhil, turtles sometimes cross over the road. I have
also seen turtles cross a road, and I am glad when they make it all the way
across, aren't you?
Yeah, go, go turtles!
Responses that are partially
If a student provides even a partially
correct response, the teacher can value the contribution, reinforce the correct
portion, and then attempt to refine the response (see Table 2). Students have
prior knowledge of the world that they make use of at school, as Akhil did in
the previous example. However, sometimes their prior knowledge is limited and
they need help to accommodate new learning into their schemata. Partially
correct responses provide an excellent opportunity to hone students' thinking,
to clarify their knowledge on a certain topic, and to lead to new learning
(Clay, 1993).

For example, during a lesson on the water cycle, a second-grade
teacher was reading aloud Down
Comes the Rain (Branley, 1997) to her class. The
students were all Latino, and many were Spanish dominant and learning English
at school. As the teacher was reading the book aloud, she often stopped to ask
questions and hear students' comments. During the discussion, the teacher
mentioned that weather forecasters often report the chance of precipitation —
one of the vocabulary words and important concepts in their thematic unit. The
students were actively involved in the discussion, but at times their comments
evidenced their rather naïve perspectives. Here is an excerpt of the ensuing
Do you watch the weatherman on TV? What is he telling us
when he talks about precipitation?
It means rain. But, teacher, the weatherman lied. He said
we get rain today. We don't get rain today.
OK, but let's talk about that; let's think that through.
What does the weatherman do? He's a scientist. So, what does he do that we do
in our experiments?
Does he have to do predictions like us?
Yes, he does. And sometimes what happens?
Predictions don't always work.
That's right! But remember, a weatherman has to go to
school for many, many years. A weatherman studies a lot and then has to use
what he knows to make a prediction.
OK, teacher, the weatherman is good.
He does try to be a good scientist, and most of the time
his predictions are correct.
Responses in a language other
than English
It can be very frustrating for
monolingual English teachers to have students use their first languages, rather
than English, to respond in class. Some teachers perceive that students who do
so are being inconsiderate, but rather teachers can choose to see this behavior
as encouraging (see Table 3). At least such a student seems to be interested
and transacting with the lesson. In fact, studies show that students'
other-language talk in classrooms is often largely on task (Kasten, 1997;
Valdes, 1998). Even when students who share a common first language are whispering
to one another, their language usually revolves around explaining what the
teacher is talking about or clarifying the procedures that the students are
expected to complete. Generally, teachers should not feel threatened when other
languages are spoken in their classrooms. In fact, some young learners
sometimes don't know which of their words and structures are or are not
English. One example is when a second-grade English-language learner
confidently labeled the black-and-white, sometimes smelly animal she saw in a
book as "el skunko." This example evidences the language transference
confusion that can occur, so teachers should not be surprised when especially
young students mix and match their languages.

Responses that are questions
Given the preponderance of teacher talk
as mentioned previously, student questions might be rare or unexpected. But
students' queries are important diagnostic opportunities for teachers and
should be appreciated and responded to carefully (see Table 4). In a particular
high-performing first-grade classroom known to the authors, the teacher had a
jar of 100 marbles at the front of the room. She used the marbles to encourage
student questions. The challenge was that for each student's question that was
asked "to help all learn more," the teacher would move a marble from
one glass jar to another glass jar. When the 100 marbles were all transferred
to the second jar, the class could plan a special reward. The students' goal
was often to earn more recess or a popcorn party, but the teacher's goal was to
encourage good questions that benefited everyone in the learning process. The
students learned that good students have good questions and that not knowing
something was part of the process, as long as one asked questions to find out
more. These students were motivated to ask questions that the teacher would
acknowledge with a marble, and the questioning process afforded opportunities
for more learning in a shared community.

Responses that are
inappropriate or wrong
Again, when students respond
incorrectly or insufficiently to teacher questions, the teacher can feel
disappointed because the teaching-learning process does not seem to be
proceeding smoothly and efficiently. However, teachers must avoid the
temptation to blame the student for not listening or processing the question
well. Instead, the teacher should use incorrect responses as a means of ongoing
assessment to determine students' needs and misunderstandings (Hudelson, 1984).
If teachers check student understanding during instruction, rather than wait
until the end of the lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to reteach or
clarify misunderstandings (see Table 5). One differentiation the teacher can
make regarding incorrect responses is whether the source of the miscommunication
is content or language based. Some students lack the linguistic ability in
English to express themselves clearly, but this does not preclude their
comprehension of the material. With support from the teacher, ELLs can refine
their linguistic competence so that they can communicate their knowledge of
content. The following is an example to illustrate this point.
Before reading a book about sharks, the
teacher asked the students to tell what they knew about the commonly feared
creatures. The teacher was momentarily surprised when one student said that her
older sister had swum with sharks. Fortunately, the teacher followed up with
more discussion.
Ananya, did your sister really swim with sharks? Was she
in the ocean with sharks?
Yeah, at Sea World, but in the big pool.
Oh, did your family visit Sea World and did your sister
swim in the pool with sharks? Or was it with dolphins?
Yeah, that's right, with some dolphins.
So, are dolphins and sharks the same? Or are they
different ocean animals?
Maybe they different?
OK, let's read this book and see if we can learn how
sharks and dolphins are the same or different. Thank you, Ananya, for telling
us something about your trip to Sea World.
Silent responses
Sometimes a student might respond with
silence or the ubiquitous "I don't know." When this happens, teachers
can be easily frustrated and tempted to make judgments about a student's
ability and motivation to learn. Such a conclusion is at best premature and
certainly not productive. So, rather than move on to another student or provide
the answer him- or herself, a teacher needs to communicate belief in the
student's ability to contribute more and maintain high expectations for student
performance (see Table 6). Waiting a few more seconds for an answer is
certainly one option. Smiling, moving closer to the student (while respecting
cultural proxemics), and rephrasing the query more directly or in a more
conversational style may also encourage the student to respond. Asking for
other contributions and then returning to the student after a few other
students have participated communicates a kind, but powerful, message that
values the student's participation. It says to the student, "I am giving
you some time, but I do want you to contribute to our discussion."

Some of these actions may seem
insistent, but they can be done courteously and with warmth. The consequences
of not following up on students' responses can be far more detrimental. Our
classroom observations (mentioned earlier) included well-behaved, less gregarious
students simply remaining silent through hours of classroom instruction,
despite stated school goals that targeted English-language proficiency for
limited-English speaking students. Honoring silence has limited value in such a
context and unfortunately can perpetuate teachers' and students' notions that
ELLs should not be fully integrated into classroom activities. When ELLs say
"I don't know," they may be meaning that they "don't know
how" to express their knowledge in English. Teachers can facilitate these
students' need for communicative competence by asking students to demonstrate
or draw their responses, as well as giving them options for participating in
the discussion.
Increasing classroom talk with English-language learners
The Response Protocol recommended here
is characterized by two key elements: valuation of students' response efforts
and the teacher's efforts to scaffold elaboration. Teachers may not feel
entirely comfortable using the examples provided, but they can plan and employ
similar responses that value and extend ELLs' talk in the classroom. The goal
is to establish a community in which all members are respected and accountable.
One way to think about classroom interaction is to "beckon, broaden, and
build" students' language and conceptual knowledge. Teachers must seek
student input by beckoning their participation and the contribution of their
ideas. Once offered, students' contributions should be elaborated or broadened
to address more of the instructional content and develop more sophisticated
language use. Finally, the teacher can build the student's concept knowledge
and language competence by exploring the context, emphasizing the key
components, and rephrasing structures.
If teachers model the use of feedback
that extends student responses, students may likely follow the teacher's
example in their small-group discussion with peers as has happened among
students trained in reciprocal teaching. Thus, the patterns that are
established during teacher-directed interaction may be used in conversations
between students. It is important that supportive protocols become naturalized
ways of talking about learning (Johnston, 2004) and pivotal platforms for
critical thinking. Teacher educators can use the examples and recommendations
offered here as a framework for preservice teachers' observations of field
assignments. It is also recommended that preservice and inservice teachers
monitor their own discourse in classroom settings to make productive
The focus in this discussion is on
English language learners, but these discourse patterns apply in many learning
contexts. However, it is ELLs who are more likely to become passive because
language and cultural differences can disconnect them from mainstream schooling.
Teachers at all grade levels face the challenge to increase and improve the
language use of their students; thus educators should consider what they do and
could do better and then apply communication structures that are appropriate
for both the age and proficiency of the student. The following are some general
Uphold high expectations for student
participation. Expect everyone to contribute. During key discussions, use a
class roster to keep track of students' participation levels and employ ways to
get students talking beyond having them raise their hands (e.g., choral
responses, shared reading, and paired discussions).
Practice behaviors that value and
elaborate students' contributions. Smile and share common courtesies. Make eye
contact and move closer to the speaker, if possible, unless these gestures seem
to make a student uncomfortable.
Allow sufficient wait time, including
patient pauses that support students' possible need for code switching (i.e.,
thinking or speaking in one language and switching to another). Repeating the
question or prompt allows more time for processing while engaging more
Use yes or no, either, or other prompts
to bridge language gaps. Because oral language production competence follows
reception skills, students can comprehend more than they can verbalize. Giving
students a way to show their knowledge without having to construct complete
sentences keeps students involved and scaffolds their use of English to
evidence their understanding.
Accept phrases and partial answers and
model more complete sentences. Helping students elaborate their ideas into full
sentences with academic structures and terms will help them to write their
ideas down in more standard English.
Model standard pronunciation and grammar.
Slowing down, oversimplifying, or speaking more loudly are not necessary.
Rephrasing and gesturing to help convey meaning are more helpful. Remember to
amplify, not simplify (Gibbons, 2002).
Find time to make small talk on a
one-to-one basis. Ask questions frequently and listen carefully to student
responses. Making time for less intimidating exchanges (e.g., small groups,
individual conferences) may provide information that you can use when leading
whole-group discussions later.
Don't relent on your expectation of
participation. Practice possible follow-up responses to enlarge your response
repertoire. Videotape some key class discussions to help self-assess your
effectiveness with ELLs.
Be a good listener, focusing on the
content of the message rather than its grammatical structure. Acknowledging a
student's message is likely to increase interaction, while correcting grammar
may not and, in fact, might shift the focus from content to form.
Learn some key phrases in the student's
native language to make a connection and to share the language-learning process
with your students.
These guidelines can help teachers to
become more exploratory in their interactions with students of varying language
skills, intellectual levels, and dispositions. They can serve as a challenge,
especially to preservice and novice teachers who can expect to have ELLs in
their classrooms. New teachers may not readily anticipate the needs of their
ELLs, although teacher education programs have put greater emphasis on meeting
the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Still, the
challenge to use ordinary words to accomplish extraordinary things remains. The
Response Protocol is one way to support teachers' efforts to increase
engagement among ELLs in classroom discourse.
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