Monday, February 20, 2012


Q1     The train to Rotterdam ....... at 6 pm sharp.
(a) exits (b) goes (c) departs (d) deserts
Q2     Have you heard that Mrs Andrews ....... from the board of directors?
(a) departed (b) abandoned (c) deserted (d) resigned
Q3     This exercise was very difficult and I finally ........
(a) left (b) resigned (c) departed (d) gave up
Q4     Disloyal sailors often ....... their ship.
(a) give over (b) give up (c) desert (d) depart
Q5     You have to ....... smoking because it's not good for you!
(a) leave (b) quit (c) abandon (d) resign
Q6     The teacher asked the noisy students to ....... talking.
(a) give up (b) leave (c) quit (d) abandon
Q7     My best friend ....... me in a time of need.
(a) quitted (b) deserted (c) departed (d) resigned
Q8     He easily ....... his career.
(a) left (b) departed (c) abandoned (d) stopped
Q9     Why did Jason ....... his wife?
(a) depart (b) quit (c) abandon (d) resign
Q10   Cuckoos usually ....... their nests.
(a) resign (b) desert (c) give up (d) quit

Synonyms for adapt
Q1     This book is very difficult for children aged ten, so I'm afraid you will have to ....... it.
(a) adjust (b) fit (c) adapt (d) focus
Q2     This machinery needs to be ....... before putting it into operation.
(a) suited (b) adjusted (c) accommodated (d) conformed
Q3     Students usually find it very easy to ....... to college life.
(a) fit (b) adapt (c) reconcile (d) suit
Q4     I will have to find a way to ....... myself to the new requirements.
(a) match (b) suit (c) accommodate (d) change
Q5     The picture on the television is not very clear; probably something needs to be ........
(a) suited (b) adjusted (c) adapted (d) fitted
Q6     It's been months since he moved to the North, but he can't ....... himself yet.
(a) fit (b) match (c) acclimatize (d) harmonize
Q7     This plan of yours really ....... me!
(a) suits (b) matches (c) fits (d) suffices
Q8     We are happy to inform you that you are the candidate who best ....... our qualifications.
(a) harmonizes (b) adapts (c) suits (d) accommodates
Q9     I admit it's been a hard thing to do, but I finally ....... my way of thinking with yours.
(a) reconciled (b) acclimatized (c) suited (d) matched
Q10   I like those shoes very much; I wish they ....... me.
(a) accommodate (b) fit (c) match (d) suit

Synonyms for walk
Q1     Marian was very exhausted at the end of the day so she ....... slowly along the beach on her way back home.
(a) paced (b) stalked (c) walked (d) strode
Q2     When they were younger, they used to ....... in the park with their kids every weekend.
(a) stagger (b) stroll (c) meander (d) halt
Q3     As Brian is having his summer vacation he is ....... about the village all day long.
(a) striding (b) staggering (c) walking (d) sauntering
Q4     The man was very worried about his wife being so late and he was ....... nervously up and down the sitting-
(a) striding (b) pacing (c) walking (d) sauntering
Q5     As it had no choice trying to escape from the vulture, the doe ....... quickly over the streamlet.
(a) strode (b) paced (c) strayed (d) meandered
Q6     Now, after he had won the coveted prize, Jason ....... into the room smiling.
(a) strode (b) blundered (c) stalked (d) paced
Q7     They spent their first day as a married couple ....... about the streets of Venice as tourists.
(a) striding (b) gadding (c) tottering (d) wandering
Q8     He soon retired and will finally have enough time to ....... over the country.
(a) mosey (b) roam (c) gad (d) stride
Q9     It got very dark in the forest, so they easily ....... from the path and got lost.
(a) strayed (b) moved (c) walked (d) meandered
Q10   Her friends left her all alone in a strange town and she ....... about unaccompanied all day long.
(a) staggered (b) stalked (c) strayed (d) gadded

A1     The train to Rotterdam departs at 6 pm sharp.
answer: (c) departs
A2     Have you heard that Mrs Andrews resigned from the board of directors?
answer: (d) resigned
A3     This exercise was very difficult and I finally gave up.
answer: (d) gave up
A4     Disloyal sailors often desert their ship.
answer: (c) desert
A5     You have to quit smoking because it's not good for you!
answer: (b) quit
A6     The teacher asked the noisy students to quit talking.
answer: (c) quit
A7     My best friend deserted me in a time of need.
answer: (b) deserted
A8     He easily abandoned his career.
answer: (c) abandoned
A9     Why did Jason abandon his wife?
answer: (c) abandon
A10   Cuckoos usually desert their nests.
answer: (b) desert

Synonyms for adapt
A1     This book is very difficult for children aged ten, so I'm afraid you will have to adapt it.
answer: (c) adapt
A2     This machinery needs to be adjusted before putting it into operation.
answer: (b) adjusted
A3     Students usually find it very easy to adapt to college life.
answer: (b) adapt
A4     I will have to find a way to accommodate myself to the new requirements.
answer: (c) accommodate
A5     The picture on the television is not very clear; probably something needs to be adjusted.
answer: (b) adjusted
A6     It's been months since he moved to the North, but he can't acclimatize himself yet.
answer: (c) acclimatize
A7     This plan of yours really suits me!
answer: (a) suits
A8     We are happy to inform you that you are the candidate who best suits our qualifications.
answer: (c) suits
A9     I admit it's been a hard thing to do, but I finally reconciled my way of thinking with yours.
answer: (a) reconciled
A10   I like those shoes very much; I wish they fit me.
answer: (b) fit

Synonyms for walk
A1     Marian was very exhausted at the end of the day so she strode slowly along the beach on her way back
answer: (d) strode
A2     When they were younger, they used to stroll in the park with their kids every weekend.
answer: (b) stroll
A3     As Brian is having his summer vacation he is sauntering about the village all day long.
answer: (d) sauntering
A4     The man was very worried about his wife being so late and he was pacing nervously up and down the sitting-
answer: (b) pacing
A5     As it had no choice trying to escape from the vulture, the doe strode quickly over the streamlet.
answer: (a) strode
A6     Now, after he had won the coveted prize, Jason strode into the room smiling.
answer: (a) strode
A7     They spent their first day as a married couple wandering about the streets of Venice as tourists.
answer: (d) wandering
A8     He soon retired and will finally have enough time to roam over the country.
answer: (b) roam
A9     It got very dark in the forest, so they easily strayed from the path and got lost.
answer: (a) strayed
A10   Her friends left her all alone in a strange town and she gadded about unaccompanied all day long.
answer: (d) gadded

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