1. Line off cover-weight sheets of paper (8.5 x 11 inches) into 10 horizontal strips (1.1”).
2. Draw vertical lines at 4.25” (center), 2.125” (center left column), and 6.375” (center right column).
3. Use the accompanying syllabication resource list. Write the 4 rules at the tops of the columns
4. Write 9 words for each rule below it.
5. Sets must be coded in some way. This can be done with codes or color.
6. Laminate cards. Cut apart and place pieces in zipper bags or other storage devices.
7. Create a checklist to track the completed sets.
Draw lines. Write the syllabication rules at the top of
each column. Then write 9 words that follow each rule
below it (RM product 310).
The same rules are applied to divide words of 3 or more
syllables (RM product 320). In the sample below,
division lines have been inserted.
clover eager Zaven ladle major photo rumor season tiny camel
V C / V V / C V
allow center clumsy grammar hello humble signal silly suggest
V C / C V
asking beside brighter lovely prepaid restless sliding tallest unkind
P / R / S
closet finish honey modern robin shovel vision in | dus | try com | pu | ter cul | ti | vat | ed
dis | ap | pear | ance un | con | di | tion | al gen | er | a | tion sup | er | vi | sor
con | ser | va | tion
es | tab | lish
re | place | ment
pa | tri | ot | ic
ab | sorb | ing
gra | cious | ly
sup | ple | ment
con | struc | tion
ben | e | fi | cial
cel | e | bra | tion
un | sus | pect | ing
ac | cept | a | ble
stim | u | la | tion
ex | pla | na | tion
com | mun | i | cate
ac | ci | den | tal
ap | pro | pri | ate
triv | i | al
hy | dro | gen
trans | por | ta | tion
ad | ver | tise | ment
per | son | al | i | ty
de | mol | ish
Prefix / Root / Suffix
1. Remove affixes.
V C / C V
2. Look for multiple
consonants in middle.
First syllable is closed.
V C / V
Closed syllable (short / schwa)
V / C V
Open syllable (long / schwa)
3. Determine whether syllable is open or closed.
Divide into syllables. Apply rules in order.
P / R / S — Check the word for prefixes and suffixes. The first step is to divide between them and the root word. If necessary,
affixes need to be reviewed with the students (farm•er, read•ing, mis•take).
V C / C V — Check for multiple consonants together between vowels. Divide between the consonants (can•dy, hap•py, el•bow).
If a word has one consonant between vowels, decide whether the first vowel is long or short.
V / C V — If the vowel is long, divide after the vowel leaving an open syllable (fa•vor, sea•son, stu•pid).
V C / V — Otherwise, divide after the consonant leaving a closed syllable (hon•ey, plur•al, drag•on).
Students consider all of the rules as they sort the words. By the time they have completed several of the Syllable Sorts, they
begin to see the patterns. Soon they have the strategies they need to break down unknown multisyllabic words.act•or
art•ist ask•ing bash•ful be•side big•ger blind•ness bold•ly book•let boss•y breath•less bump•y care•ful climb•ing clos•est cloud•less com•ing count•less cream•y cry•ing dark•ness dear•est deep•er dis•cover dream•ing drop•per drown•ing end•less ex•port farm•er fear•ful fore•cast fool•ish friend•ly fur•ry grace•ful hand•y hard•en hill•y hot•ter im•prove itch•y joy•ous love•ly loud•er luck•y mis•spell mis•take morn•ing nois•y non•sense pack•age pain•less part•ly pay•ment peace•ful plant•ed play•ful pre•view quick•ly rain•y real•ly re•fill re•pay rest•ful sad•ly salt•y sleep•y slow•est small•er soft•ly sog•gy stop•ping sub•way sweet•er tall•est thank•ful think•ing thirst•y thought•ful throw•ing tract•or treat•ment un•fair vast•ly want•ed warm•est wind•y af•ter ap•ple ar•row ath•lete bal•loon bas•ket ber•ry blis•ter bot•tle bun•ny but•ter but•ton cab•bage can•dle can•dy car•rot cat•tle chan•nel cir•cle cof•fee com•mon com•pete con•test con•tract cot•ton coun•cil cur•rent cus•tom den•tist diz•zy el•bow en•joy fan•cy fif•teen fil•ter fol•low for•bid for•get fran•tic fun•ny gen•tle gos•sip ham•ster hap•pen hel•lo hel•met hur•ry kit•ten lad•der let•ter let•tuce lob•ster lum•ber mat•tress mon•key mon•ster nap•kin of•fice pat•tern pen•cil pen•ny pic•nic pic•ture pis•tol plas•tic plen•ty prob•lem pup•py pump•kin pur•ple rab•bit rib•bon scis•sors sen•tence sig•nal sil•ly sis•ter soc•cer sub•ject sum•mer tar•get thun•der tur•key whis•per win•dow win•ter wis•dom won•der at•om bod•y both•er buck•et cab•in cam•el chap•el chis•el cit•y civ•il clev•er clin•ic clos•et col•umn com•et cop•y cred•it crit•ic dev•il dig•it drag•on fin•ish for•est frag•ile grav•el hab•it hon•ey hon•or im•age lem•on lev•el lil•y lim•it lin•en liz•ard log•ic mag•ic man•age med•al men•u met•al mim•ic min•ute mod•ern mon•ey nick•el nov•el ol•ive pan•ic ped•al pet•al pit•ypiv•ot plan•et pres•ent prof•it prop•er pun•ish quiv•er rad•ish rap•id reb•el rel•ic rel•ish rig•id riv•er rob•in sal•ad sav•age schol•ar sev•en sher•iff shiv•er shov•el shriv•el stud•y tim•id top•ic trag•ic trav•el trop•ic ven•om vig•or vis•it viv•id vol•ume wag•on wid•ow ba•by ba•con ba•gel ba•sic be•gin be•hind ca•ble ce•dar ce•ment cli•mate clo•ver co•coa cra•dle de•cay de•mand de•stroy di•gest do•nate do•nor du•ty ea•ger ea•sel e•qual e•ven e•vil fe•ver fi•nal fla•vor fo•cus glo•bal gro•cer e•ro ho•tel ho•ly hu•mor i•dle i•tem la•bel la•dy le•gal lo•cate ma•jor mi•nus mo•ment mo•tor mu•sic na•tion no•tion o•bey o•dor o•pen o•val pa•per pho•to pi•lot po•ny pre•tend pri•vate pu•pil ra•dar ra•zor rea•son re•cess re•gard re•sist ri•val ro•bot ro•tate ru•mor se•cret si•lent si•ren so•da so•lo spi•der stu•pid su•per ta•ble ti•dy ti•ger to•tal tu•na u•nite va•cant va•por vi•rus wa•ger ze•ro
P / R / S
Identify and remove affixes
V C / C V
Divide between consonants
V C / V
First syllable closed (short)
V / C V
First syllable open (long)
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