Saturday, July 23, 2011


Dictogloss, a profitable procedure in teaching and testing grammar.


At  the  beginning  of  the  1990s,  our  Ministry  set  up  a  new  policy  in  the  teaching  of
English  based  on  a  more  communicative  approach  what  brought  about  a  complete
change in the syllabus where all four language skills should be trained. As oral skill has
now  a  significant  weight,  we  have  been  working  on  analazing  words,  phrases  and
grammar contextually what gives the learners the possibility to enhance their level of

Dealing with grammmar has been a difficult task when we teach any language since it is
not always very good welcomed by learnes due to all the rules and tiresome aspects they
have to take into account when using the language properly, many of them that have no
logical explanation. That is why we have expended a great time looking for procedures
that allow us, teachers, to help students towards a better understanding of how grammar
works in expressing any idea ( to develop learners´grammatical competence in using the

In  our  research  we  have  introduced  grammar  in  communicative  functions  (context),
somrething that has worked effectively. 

Now we want to share another procedure we have experienced in our classes. It is
known as “dictogloss” or “grammar dictation”


Let´s  beging  with  the  definition  of  dictogloss.  It  can  be  briefly  summarized  as  the
dictation of e dense text from which the students record as many words and  phrases as
possible and in small groups they try to reconstruct the story focusing on grammatical
accuracy and textual cohesion without aiming at replicating the original text.

Dictogloss differ from the traditional dictation since with this procedure the students are
obliged to create their own versions using the learners´own grammatical and linguistic

Now  we are going to explain the steps that should be followed when using this method:

?  Preparation 
Is the moment in which teachers prepare learners for the topic making them more
receptive to the listening.

?  Dictation The text is dictated twice, the first time is with the aim of  getting a general idea of the
passage.  The  second  time  its  for  taking  notes  of  those  words  that  are  relevant.  The
grammar or function words are avoided, they should be provided by the students during
the reconstruction.
The text is dictated at normal spoken speed. Between sentences, the pauses should be
slightly longer than usual.

?   Reconstruction
As soon as the dictation is finished, the learners , working in groups, proceed to write 
down their notes and work on their version of the text ,when it is complete , the group
cheks  the  text  for  grammar,textual  cohesion  ,  and  logical  sense,  this  moment  is
monitored by the teacher , but in does not provide  any actual language input        

?   Analysis and Correction
There are several ways to carry out this step for , let see the one we have used in our
classes :
The students write their own versions on pieces of papers , then, they interchange the
papers in order to chek the grammatical aspect the teacher is going to deal with during
the lesson. The board is divided into sections  according to the quantity of teams in the
classroom, one member of each time goes to the board and write the first sentence of
their  versions  during  the  analysis  it  is  possible  to  correct  any  mistake  and  give  other
ways  of  expressing  the  same  idea,  this  procedure  continues  till  the  text  is  analized

A key activity in using this procedure is the fact that  the students should interact with
each other in small groups with the purpose to reconstructthe text, what gives them the
possibility to find out what they still don´t know and in this way they improve  their
language skills. Cooperation is developed as an important human value.

Dictogloss  offers  the  possibility  to  test  while  teaching.  In  the  error  analysis  and
correction  step  learners  consolidate  their  understandin  of  which  options  are  the  most

Another important aspect is  the role of  memory  and creativity, somethig that should
be understood and exploited.

When the students begin to reconstruct the text, a gap exists between the information
the learners remember plus what they have written down during the dictation and the
reconstruction  of  the  semantic  unit  of  language,  both  grammatically  and  textually
correct.  This  gap  challenges  the  learners  to  put  in  practice  what  they  know  to
reconstruct  the  text  or  to  produce  what  is    called  as  a  “gloss”    (  a  paraphrase  of  the
original text ), something that becomes and original work.

As we remarked in the introduction the issue of grammar is approached contextually,
what allows students to be concious of how a certain grammatical aspect works within a
determined  context,  aspect  that  is  provided  by  the  teacher  once  he  or  she  states  the
structures that will be taught in each class.
 Now we are going to give some examples of texts prepared to be used in a dictogloss

First, let see the parts the  lesson  is divided into.

1.  Topic: It is the subject matter that the text is related to.
2.  Language points: It deals with the grammatical aspects that are treated in the text.
3.  Preparation: Any materials the teacher needs to prepare or consult before attending
the classroom wtith the aim to avoid any possible confusion among the students.
4.  Warm-up : To prepare the students for the topic they are going to face.
5.  Pretext    vocabulary:    The    introduction    of    unfamiliar    words    to    avoid
misunderstanding.  Sometimes  this  step  could  be  omitted  with  beginners  since  the
text is so short that during the satges of the lesson the learners get their meanings.
6.  Text: Dictation of the text at a normal speed.
     Characteristics of this step:
?    The sentences of the text the teacher dictates are numbered for better correction.
?    The correction stage is based on the learner´s versions.

7.    Notes: Notes on the grammar aspects that will be analized during correction stage
(some rules).


  Silent enemies

Topic: Spies

Language points:                       Future tense: will, is going to
                                                              Simple present tense
                                                              First conditional construction 
                                                              Prepositions: from, to, of, for

Warm – Up                                          1 At this moment there are five Cuban
                                                                               prisoners in the USA, do you know the  
                                                                  charges why Gerardo Hernandez was 
                                                                  condemned ?

                                                                            2 Elicit their aswers until they give more
                                                                  information about  spies

Pre- Text Vocabulary                        to employ (v)  to provide work for
                                                                   to catch (v)  to capture
                                                                   to get a glimpse of (v) to be able see briefly
                                                                   to shoot (v) to hit with a bullet
                                                                   to try (v) to prove
                                                                   to hand (v) to give 
                                                                     to witness (v) to tetify Text                         
1 Some countries will admiy officially that they employ spies. 2 However, from time to
time,  a  spy  is  caught  and  the  public  sometimes  gets  a  glimpse  of  what  is  going  on
behind  the  political  scenes.  3  Spies  are  rarely  shot  these  days.  4  They  are  frecuently
tried and imprisioned. 5 Few people have the opportunity to witness such exchanges, for
they are carried out in secret.

Notes                                                          S1 that – a relative pronoun with which a
                                                                    noun clause begins.
                                                                                  S2 however – it refers to a contrast with the 
                                                                    idea expressed in the first sentence.
                                                                     S4 they – it refers to the spies.
                                                                     S5 such exchanges – it refers to the moment  
                                                                     prisoners are caught.
Elvis Presley

Topic: Famous people
Language points                                        Prepositions: on + time expressions
                                                                     in + time expressions
                                                                     in + place
                                                                    By as an agent expressing time
                                                                    Connectors:  But expressing opposition
                                                                    Which introducing a noun clause

Preparation                                1 Bring a photo of Elvis Presley

 Wam – Up                                      1 Try to get from the students as much information 
                                                       as possible about this singer

Pretext vocabulary                 to grow up (v) to increase in size
                                                       deep (adj) low in siyuation


1 Elvis Aaron Presley was  born on January 8 th  1935, in East Tupelo, Mississippi. 2 He
grew up in a poor but religious home which was typical of the deep south of the United
States. 3 In 1955 he became a famous rock and roll star. 4 By 1956 he had won six gold

Notes                                                  S1 on  - it is used with day, month and year                              
                                                     S2 which – it is a relative pronoun that 
                                                                      begins a noun clause

3 Al Capone
Topic:Famous people

Language points: Superlatives
                                   Past tense
                                   Subordinate clauses
                                   Coordinate clauses
                                   Passive voice

Preparation                           1 You may bring a photo of  Alcapone

 Warm -  Up                           1 Show the students a fragment of one of the films 
                                                        based on Alcapone´s life
                                                   2 Elicit from the students any kind of information they 
                                                       know of this man´s illegal activities.

Pre - text Vocabulary          cash (n) ready money
                                                      slum (n) the part of a the city where very poor peolpe 
                                                      gang (n)   a  band
                                                       tax (n) a contribution charged by authority
                                                       income (n) the amount of money received by an 
                                                                          individual in a given period of time 
                                                        to bootleg (v)  to sell or produce alcoholic liquor 

                                                         murder (n) assassination

1  One  of  the  most  famous  people  of  the  1920s  was  Al  Capone.  2  He  usually  wore  a
fifty-thousand-dollar  diamond  ring  and  carried  fifty  thousand  dollars  in  cash  in  his
wallet. 3 He was born in 1899 in the slums of New York City where gangs were very
common. 4 In his teens he joined one of these gangs and later he went to work for the
ganster  Johnny  Torrio,  who  took  him  to  Chicago.  5  He  was  best  known  for  selling
liquor, which was illegal in the United States at that time. 6 When he finally was sent to
prison, it was not for bootlegging or murder, but for income tax evasion.  7 After eight
years in prison, Capone lived quietly with his family in Pennsylvania until his death in


Plain phobia

Topic  Travelling
 Language Points Linking words: when, while, before, after, and then
                               Past tense (regular·/irregular verbs)
 Warm – Up     1Ask the studnts to mention the steps folloed by someone at 
                              the airport when travelling
                               2 Find out if someone in the class is afraid of plains.

Pre-text Vocabulary                           purse (n) a small bag for money
                                                                   luggage (n) a traveller´s baggage 
                                                                    lounge (n) lobby
                                                                    to take off (v) to rise from th surface in
                                                                    an aircraft

1 The taxi slowed down outside the airport and Clarissa got out. 2 While she was
finding some  money in her purse, the driver took out her luggage. 3 Then, she went
inside the termianal building. 4 After checking in her luggage, she went to buy some
magazines. 5 Then she went through passport control and into Departure Lounge. 6
There  was half an hour befor her flight left, so she decided to do some shopping. 7
When the plan was taking off , she closed her eyes, but when it was in the air, she began
to relax.
World English

Topic English
            Language and communication

Language points Present simple tense
                                          Some and others as pronouns
                                   Textual reference

Preparation          It may be helpful to bring a map of the world to class for this 
                                    1 With the help of the students, identify on the world map the 
                                     areas with the greatest concentration of English speakers.
                                    2 Raise the topic of English as an international language. 
                                    Brainstorm  around the class to see what areas of human activity 
                                    your students think English is used for (diplomacy, commerce, 
                                    pop music, aviation, and sports.

Pre – Text Vocabulary                    diplomacy (n) political relations between
 1 Millions of people around the world speak English. 2 Some use it as their first
language. 3 Others use it as their second or third language. 4 It is the world language for
diplomacy, commerce, pop music, aviation, and sport. 5 What is your reason for
learning it?

Notes                                          S1 some – it here works as a pronoun, meaning
                                                            Some people

                                                    S2 it – This refers to English
                                                             S3 their – it rfrs back to people in S1
                                                             S4 world – it functions as an adjective dscribing
                                                             S5 – learning – a gerund after the expression 
                                                              reason for
The  fact  of  not  using  grammar  in  our    classes  communicatevely  since  the  previous
syllabus did not  focus on the treatment of grammar  this way, had bring about the lack
of motivation in our students.
After we experienced new procedures in introducing grammar, we realized our students
were more motivated and they got more and better results in the usage of this aspect of
Now we are going to point out some possitive features of this procedure :
?    The studentes work in small groups, what gives all the  members the possibility to
enrich the new text.
?    The  analysis  of  each  version  is  carried  out  on  the  groups´    versions  and  not  on
individual ones.
?    It is based on group work what allows the participation of all  members  since they
help each other  in completing the new version.
?    The  students  enrich  their  language  due  to  the  ideas  expressed    by  the  rest  of  the
?    Its main objective is to discover the areas of needs the learners have.
?    The use of text as the semantic unit of language instead of  the word or the sentence.

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