Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some Pieces of Wonderful Prose : The Conditions of a Good Wife

In a good spouse and wife behoveth these conditions, that she be busy and devout in God's service, meek and serviceable to her husband and fair speaking and goodly to her meinie, merciful and good to wretches that be needy, easy and peaceable to her neighbours, ready, wary and wise in things that should be avoided, mightiful and patient in suffering, busy and diligent in her doing, mannerly in clothing, sober in moving, wary in speaking, chaste in looking, honest in bearing, sad in going, shamefast among the people, merry and glad with her husband and chaste in privity. Such a wife is worthy to be praised, that endendeth more to please her husband with such womanly dues, than with her braided hairs and desireth more to please him with virtues than with fair and gay clothes and useth the goodness of matrimony more because of children than of fleshly liking and hath more liking to have children of grace than of kind.
A List of Adjectives in the Deceptive Garb of Adverbs :
  1. Bodily act       Bodily action              Bodily burden             Bodily constitution
  2. Bodily contact                        Bodily death               Bodily defilement       Bodily discipline
  3. Bodily eye       Bodily force    Bodily movement       Bodily postures          
  4. Bodily presence          Bodily removal           Bodily resurrection     Bodily sense
  5. Bodily strength           Bodily union               Brotherly attachment Brotherly manner
  6. Coarsely ground          Comely behaviour       Comely countenance   Comely garments
  7. Comely person            Comely personage       Comely sight               Costly apparel
  8. Costly error                 Costly furniture           Costly metal                Costly pleasures
  9. Costly technique         Costly Victory            Costly work                Courtly audience
  10. Courtly romance         Courtly society            Cowardly action         Cowardly death
  11. Cowardly dreams        Cowardly heart           Daughterly love          Deadly blot
  12. Deadly change            Deadly disease            Deadly drug                Deadly effects
  13. Deadly error                Deadly fight                Deadly killer               Deadly monster
  14. Deadly prison              Deadly quarrels           Deadly silence             Deadly sins
  15. Deadly snare               Deadly weapon           Deadly wound            Deathly feeling
  16. Deathly paleness of face                     Disorderly behavior                Disorderly house
  17. Disorderly life             Divine inspiration        Drizzly rain                 Earthly animal
  18. Earthly body               Earthly existence         Earthly fame               Earthly kings
  19. Earthly life                  Earthly paradise          Earthly passions          Earthly pleasure
  20. Earthly sojourn            Earthly things              Elderly gentleman       Elderly people
  21. Fatherly affection       Fatherly feelings         Fatherly manner          Friendly act
  22. Friendly argument       Friendly arm                Friendly assistance      Friendly circles
  23. Friendly conversation                         Friendly critic              Friendly form of address
  24. Friendly game             Friendly nations          Friendly of sentiments           
  25. Friendly rivalry           Friendly thing                         Friendly visit            Friendly wag of the tail
  26. Friendly welcome       Gentlemanly manners             Ghastly fate    Ghastly sin
  27. Ghostly man                Ghostly quality           Godly soul                  Goodly apples
  28. Goodly personage       Goodly youth              Grandmotherly solicitude      
  29. Heavenly abode          Heavenly battle           Heavenly beauty         Heavenly city
  30. Heavenly clemency    
  31. Heavenly conversation            Heavenly day              Heavenly favor           Heavenly feast
  32. Heavenly food            Heavenly friend          Heavenly glory            Heavenly grace
  33. Heavenly guest           Heavenly happiness    Heavenly harmony      Heavenly influence Heavenly joys                 Heavenly knowledge Heavenly light             Heavenly love
  34. Heavenly mansions     Heavenly mind            Heavenly music           Heavenly mysteries
  35. Heavenly powers        Heavenly providence Heavenly regions        Heavenly reputation
  36. Heavenly things          Heavenly virtues         Heavenly voices          Heavenly world
  37. In an easterly direction   Jingly verse              Kindly critic                Kindly earth
  38. Kindly gesture            Kindly invitation         Kindly man                 Kindly people
  39. Kindly smile                Kindly word               Kingly crown              Kingly patronage
  40. Kingly palace              Kingly power              Kingly silence             Kingly temper
  41. Knightly deeds           Knightly enterprise     Knightly exploit          Knightly hero
  42. Knightly weapons       Likely possibility         Lively interests            Lively metaphors
  43. Lonely feeling             Lonely land                 Lonely nights              Lonely spot
  44. Lovely beauty                         Lovely light                 Lovely poem               Lovely rhythms
  45. Lovely thoughts          Manly blood                Masterly accounts of the events
  46. Masterly handling of dialogue                        Masterly translation               
  47. Monthly allowances    Motherly sympathy     Motherly women         Nightly entertainment
  48. Nightly meetings         Northerly direction     Northerly region of the record
  49. Oily smell                    Orderly arrangement   Orderly debate            Orderly progress
  50. Orderly revolution      Orderly scheme of ideas  Orderly system       Orderly transition       
  51. Pimply face                 Prickly bush                Priestly caste               Priestly office
  52. Priestly race                 Priestly services           Princely giver              Princely majesty
  53. Princely person            Princely power            Princely race                Princely style
  54. Princely titles              Saintly characters        Saintly disposition      Saintly heart
  55. Saintly king                 Saintly life                   Saintly man                 Saintly person
  56. Saintly qualities           Saintly reputation        Scholarly abilities    Scholarly achievements 
  57. Scholarly ambition      Scholarly argument     Scholarly articles         Scholarly assistance
  58. Scholarly background  Scholarly book collectors  Scholarly books                 
  59. Scholarly commentary Scholarly commentators   Scholarly competence
  60. Scholarly compromise  Scholarly conscience  Scholarly controversy  Scholarly critic
  61. Scholarly debates        Scholarly discussion    Scholarly distinctions  Scholarly editing
  62. Scholarly editor           Scholarly effort           Scholarly enquiry       
  63. Scholarly examination of the record               Scholarly function       Scholarly grace
  64. Scholarly information   Scholarly inquiry       Scholarly interest       
  65. Scholarly interpretation           Scholarly introduction            Scholarly investigator
  66. Scholarly investigation            Scholarly journal         Scholarly knowledge
  67. Scholarly labours         Scholarly learnings      Scholarly libraries        Scholarly literature
  68. Scholarly man             Scholarly method        Scholarly mind            Scholarly opinion
  69. Scholarly performance            Scholarly person          Scholarly pleasures     
  70. Scholarly poem           Scholarly presentation             Scholarly pretension   
  71. Scholarly pursuers       Scholarly pursuit         Scholarly research  
  72. Scholarly response to a situation         Scholarly selection      Scholarly student
  73. Scholarly studies         Scholarly studies of the records          Scholarly subject
  74. Scholarly supplement              Scholarly taste             Scholarly techniques   Scholarly text
  75. Scholarly tradition
  76. Scholarly treatment of topics              Scholarly view            Scholarly virtues        
  77. Scholarly works                      Scholarly world           Scholarly writer          
  78. Scholarly writings                   Shapely nose               Sickly child    
  79. Sickly constitution                  Sickly figure                Sickly heart    
  80. Sickly hue                               Sickly man                  Sickly person
  81. Sickly sensibility                     Sickly thoughts           Sisterly affection
  82. Sisterly sympathy                    Slatternly female         Slatternly girl
  83. Slatternly woman                    Slovenly mispronunciation      Slovenly thought
  84. Soldierly qualities                   Slovenly reading         Slovenly speech
  85. Spindly legs                            Sprightly lasses           Sprightly songs
  86. Sprightly tune                         Sprightly youths          Stately air
  87. Stately buildings                     Stately ceremonies      Stately cities
  88. Stately country house             Stately dance              Stately etiquette
  89. Stately girl                               Stately home               Stately mansions
  90. Stately mountains                   Stately palace              Stately person
  91. Stately residence                     Stately robe                 Stately ship
  92. Stately speech                         Stately steeds              Stately tower
  93. Steely austerity                       Surly advance of decrepitude             Surly countenance
  94. Surly tone                                Surly watchdog the records                Thickly flower
  95. Timely decision                       Timely publication        Timely suggestion
  96. Unfriendly reception               Ungainly appearance     Ungainly bearing
  97. Ungainly gait                          Unlikely coincidence   Unseemly behaviour
  98. Unsightly scars                        Weekly delivery          Weekly earnings
  99. Wifely devotion                      Wily plans                   Womanly beauty        
  100. Womanly woman        Woolly hair                 Worldly activities
  101. Worldly affairs            Worldly ambitions      Worldly benefits
  102. Worldly bondage        Worldly cares              Worldly enjoyment
  103. Worldly events            Worldly goods            Worldly honours         Worldly man
  104. Worldly matters          Worldly pomp             Worldly possessions   
  105. Worldly power            Worldly reward           Worldly things           
Worldly thoughts Worldly wealth      why women dominate over the men?
Because...           Men are included in Women.                     Male is within the fold of Female.
He is contained in She. `                                                                Sweet is the rose, but grows upon a brief. `
Sweet is the Juniper, but sharp his bough.                           Sweet is the eglantine, but pricketh near.
Sweet is the firbloom, but his branches rough.                   `Sweet is the cypress, but his rind is tough.
Sweet is the nut, but bitter is his pill.                       Sweet is the broom-flower, but yet sour enough.
And sweet is moly, but his root is ill.                        So every sweet with sour is tempered still.

How Many ways are There?
Airway                  Archway              Anyway                                Away                     Broadway            Cableway        Crossway
Cutaway              Doorway              Entryway             Everyway            Gateway              Guideway         Halfway
Hallway                                Hatchway            Headway             Leeway                                Midway                                Milkyway                Outway
Passageway       Proper way         Pathway              Railway                 Roadway             Runway                                Seaway
Shipway               Someway            Stairway               Straightaway      Tramway             Walkway     Waterway Count the Days.                 Alackaday            Birthday               Christmas day         Doomsday
Easter day           Everyday             Friday                    Holiday                 Judgment day                   Lord's Day
Market day         Midday                 Monday               Noonday             Pay day                                Quarter day       Saturday                Sunday                 Today                    Tuesday               Thursday             Wednesday                 Wedding day            Weekday                Workday              Working day       Yesterday            Dooms day
Here is the list of words ending in -cracy.
Androcracy         Aristocracy          Arithmocracy                     Autocracy            Bureaucracy       Chrysocracy
Cosmocracy        Cottonocracy     Democracy         Demonocracy                    Despotocracy    Doulocracy
Echoencephalocracy                       Ergatocracy         Ethnocracy                          Gernotocracy    Gerontocracy
Gynaecocracy                    Hagiocracy          Hierocracy           Hypocracy           Idiocracy              Isocracy
Landocracy         Logocracy            Millionocracy     Mobocracy         Monocracy         Neocracy            
Nomocracy         Ochlocracy          Pantisocracy       Pedantocracy    Physhocracy       Plantocracy        
Plousiocracy                       Plutocracy           Ptochocracy       Shopocracy         Slavocracy           Snobocracy
Stratocracy         Technocracy       Thallassocracy   Theocracy           Timocracy           
 Proverbial Conversation :

As Love and I late harbour'd in one inn,                                 With proverbs thus each other entestain :
"In love there is no back': thus I begin :                  ''Fair words make fools,” replieth he again :
"Who spares to speak doth spare to speed,” quoth I :    “As well,” said he, "too forward as too slow” :
''Fortune assists the boldest,” I reply :                    “A hasty man,” quoth he, ''ne'er wanted woe”:
''Labour is light where I love”, quoth I, "doth pay”:           Saith he, "Light burden's heavy, if farborne”:
Quoth I, The main lost. Cast the by away”:           Y' have spun a fair thread”, he replies in scorn.
nd having thus a while each other thwarted        Fools as we met, so fools again we parted.
By Michael Drayton: Proverb
Singular Singulars and Peculiar Plurals...                How singular some old words are!
I know two with no singular.                                       Agenda and marginalia: Both
Are always plural, 'pon my oath.                                               The opposite's the case to greet us
With propaganda and coitus,                                      Upon these never sets the sun,
And yet of each there's only one.                             Phantasmagoria, likewise,
Pervades, yet never multiplies.                                                 Strata pluralises stratum,
Ultimata and ultimatum.                                               Memoranda and memorandum
Candelabra and candelabrum.                                   Why are nostrums then not nostra?
Why speak I not then from rostra?                          Thus my datum grows to data,
My erratum to errata.                                                    Child, put this on your next agendum.
Pudenda's more than are pudendum                     Medium makes media.
Criterion, criteria.                                                             What's plural for hysteria?
This is a A Curious Discourse that passed between the Twenty-Five Letters at Dinner-Time.
Says A, give me a good large slice.                            Says B, a little bit, but nice.
Says C, cut me a piece of crust.                                  Take it, says D, it's dry as dust.
Says E, I'll cut fast, who will.                                         Says F, I vow I'll home my fill.
Says G, give it me good and great.                            Says H, a little bit I hate.
Says I, I have the juice the best.                                                And K, the very same confest.
Says L, ther's nothing more I love.                            Says M, it makes your teeth to move.
N noticed what the others said.                                                O other's plates with grief survey'd.
P praised that took up to the life.                             Q quarrell'd Cause he'd a bad knife.
Says R, it runs short, I'am afraid.                                S silent sat and nothing said.
T thought that talking might lose time                    U understood it at meals a crime.
W wish'd these had been a quince in;                     Says X, those cooks ther's no convincing.
Says Y, I'll eat, let others wish.                                    Z sat as mute as any fish,
While Ampersy and he licked the dish.                   ords : Numbers
In this page, the words denoting number have been given for your reference.
This is a list of words which you may need in your writing or speaking.
• Covey…A small number of birds                • Pack…A number of wolves
• School…A number of whales                      • Gam… A number of whales
• Herd…A number of swine feeding or driven together
• Pack…A number of submarines                  
• Nest…A number of snakes living in the same place
• Flock…A number of sheep                                      • Rookery…A number of seals
• Rookery…A number of rooks          • Nest…A number of rabbits living in the same place
• Bevy…A number of quails                          • School …A number of porpoises
• Gam…A number of porpoises                     • Drove…A number of ponies driven together
• Muster…A number of peacocks      • Team…A number of oxen or horses harnessed together
• Troop…A number of monkeys                    • Shoal…A number of mackerel
• Swarm…A number of locusts                      • Troop…A number of lions
• Leap…A number of leopards                       • Bevy…A number of larks
• Flight…A number of insects moving together         • Pack…A number of hounds                        
• Stud…A number of horses kept for riding, racing, and breeding
• Drove…A number of horses driven together           • Shoal…A number of herrings
• Gaggle…A number of geese                                    • Catch …A number of fish taken in a net
• Haul…A number of fish taken in a net                    • Troop…A number of cavalry soldiers
• Herd…A number of cattle feeding or driven together
• Flight…A number of birds moving together           • Swarm… A number of bees
• Flight…A number of bees moving together           
• Hive…A number of bees living in the same place
• Bevy…A number of beautiful girls                          • Pack…A number of asses
• Swarm…A number of ants                          • Nest…A number of ants living in the same place
• Nest … A number of rabbits living in the same place
• Nest … A number of snakes living in the same place
• Barren…A number of mules
• Brood… A number of chickens hatched at the same time
• Litter… A number of pigs, dogs, cats brought forth at one birth
• Kindle… A number of kittens
• Poultry… A collection of fowls, ducks etc…
• Cast… A couple of hawks
• Skein… a number of wild geese or swans in flight
• Zoo… A collection of wild animals
• Menagerie… A collection of wild animals
• Vivarium… A collection of wild animals
• Congregation…A number of people at church
 Audience…A number of people listening to a concert or a lecture
• Spectators…A number of people looking on at a foot-ball match
• Crowd… A number of people collected together in a street
• Gathering…A number of people gathered together for a purpose
• Assembly… A number of people gathered together for a purpose
• Society… A number of people gathered together for a purpose
• Coterie…A group of people who get together to work forsome cause
• Mob…A number of disorderly people                     • Rabble… A number of disorderly people
• Canaille… A number of disorderly people              • Horde…A number of savages
• Choir…a number of singers in a church                   • Host…A collection of angels
• Troupe…A number of artists, dancers, acrobats      • Company…A number of actors
• Staff…A number of servants          
• Tribe… A number of persons of the same race or characters
• Cortege…A number of people following a funeral
• Bevy…A number of beautiful girls                          • Army…A number of soldiers
• Troop… A number of soldiers                                 • Battalion… A number of soldiers
• Regiment… A number of soldiers               • Crew…a number of sailors manning a ship
• Gang…A number of workmen, prisoners, thieves etc…
• Gang…A number of slaves                          • Coffle… A number of slaves
• Posse…A number of constables called to enforce the law
• Jury…A number of jurymen engaged in a case
• Panel… A number of jurymen engaged in a case
• Bench…A number of Judges or bishops
• Board…A number of directors of a company
• Anthology…A collection of poems                                     • Library …A collection of books
• Collection… A number of pictures, curiosities etc 
• Rope…A collection of pearls                       • Bouquet…A collection of flowers
• Bunting…A collection of flags                    • Chest…. A collection of drawers
• Fleet…A number of buses                           • Fleet…A number of ships
• Fleet…A number of Lorries            
• Convoy…A number of merchant ships protected by warships
• Herbarium…A collection of dried plants
• Cluster…A number of nuts                          • Cluster… A number of grapes on a bunch
• Clump…A number of trees                          • Forest… A large collection of trees
• Stack…A collection wood                           • Stack… A collection of hay
• Stack…A collection of corn piled together            
• Hamlet…A cluster of houses in a village
• Constellation…A number of stars grouped together
• Pencil…A collection of rays                        • Clutch…A collection of eggs
• Suite…A set of furniture, rooms etc…        • Skein…A quantity of woolen thread
• Batch…A quantity of bread baked at the same time
• Shock…A mass of hair                                • Fell…A mass of hair
• Claque…A number of hired applauders                  • Truss…A bundle of hay
• Set…a collection of tools                
• Carillon…A set of bells placed together for a tune to be played on them
• Bale…A quantity of cotton                                     • Bale…A quantity of wool
• Tuft…A quantity of grass                            • Sheaf…A bunch of corn-plants
• Sheaf…A collection of arrows                     • Hand… A bundle of bananas
• Group…A number of islands                       • Crate…A collection of fruits
• Crate… A collection of crockery                 • Field…A number of athletes
• Nest…A number of machine-guns               • Nest… A number of shelves
This list of words contains words which you will use in your expressions.
Keep these words in a safe place so that you can get them whenever you need them.
vocabulary: Traders
his Vocabulary-Traders is a list, full of words related to the Traders.
• Tanner…One who converts raw hide into leather
• Cutler…One who makes or deals in cutting instruments, e.g. knives
• Scavenger….One who cleans the street
• Charwomen…A woman employed to clean inside a building
• Confectioner…One who sells sweets and pastries
• Crimp…One who entraps men to serve in the army
• Croupier…One who collects the bets and pays out to the winner in the gambling club
• Janitor…One who takes care of a building
• Poulterer…One who sells fowls, ducks, turkeys etc…
• Cashier…One who pays out money at a bank
• Teller… One who pays out money at a bank
• Upholsterer…One who makes and sells cushions and covers for motor-cars
• Usurer…One who lends money at an exorbitant rate
• Cartographer…One who draws maps
• Philatelist…One who collects postage stamps
• Conjuror…One who performs tricks by sleight of hands
• Prestidigitator… One who performs tricks by sleight of hands
• Juggler… One who performs tricks by sleight of hands
• Funambulist…One who walks on ropes
• Acrobat…One who performs daring gymnastic feats
• Grazier…One who pastures cattle for the market
• Huckster…One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Pedlar… One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Chapman… One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Hawker… One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Potter…One who makes pots, cups etc…
• Tinker…One who goes place to place mending pots
• Shoemaker…One who mends shoes
• Cobbler… One who mends shoes
• Colporteur…One who travels from place to place selling religious articles
• Peripatetic…A teacher who travels from place to place to give instructions
• Invigilator…One who watches over students taking an examination
• Curator…A person in charge of museum
• Almoner…A hospital welfare officer
• Librarian…The person in charge of library
• Principal…The head of a college
• Mayor…The head of a town council or corporation
• Pawnbroker…One who lends money and keeps goods as security
• Scrivener…One who draws up contracts and also lends money on interest
• Shipwright…One who builds ships
• Stevedore…One who loads and unloads ships
• Wheelwright…One who makes wheels for carriages and carts
• Auctioneer…One who sells articles at public sales
• Undertaker…A tradesman who manages funerals
• Veterinarian…One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals
• Stenographer…One who writes shorthand
• Poet…One who writes poetry
• Novelist…One who writes novels
• Author…One who writes books
• Lexicographer…One who compiles a dictionary
• Stationer…One who sells paper, ink, pen and other writing materials
• Taxidermist…One who preserves the skin of the animals
• Ethnologist…One well versed in the science of human races
• Anthropologist…One who studies the evolution of mankind
• Psychologist…One who studies the working of the human-mind
• Chandler…One who makes and sells candles
• Plumassier…One who works or deals in feathers for apparel
• Bursar…The treasurer of a college or a university
• Purser…An officer in charge of the stores and accounts on a ship
Vocabulary: Professions
This Vocabulary : Professions is the list of words related to various Professions.
You may need this list Vocabulary : Professions for further reference.
< Bring in a note-book and a pen to take down few words which you find in this Vocabulary : Professions, as useful ones.
• Oculist…One who attends to the diseases of the eye
• Optician…One who tests eyesight and sell spectacles
• Physician…One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines
• Druggist…One who compounds and sells drugs
• Pharmacist… One who compounds and sells drugs
• Surgeon…One who treats disease by performing operations
• Dentist…One who attends to the teeth
• Chiropodist…One skilled in the care of hands and feet
• Masseur…One who treats diseases by rubbing the muscles
• Obstetrician…A physician who assists women in child-birth
• Accoucheur… A physician who assists women in child-birth
• Chauffeur…One who drives a motor-car
• Engineer…One who attends to an engine
• Doctor… One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines
• Captain…The person in charge of a ship
• Admiral…The commander of a fleet
• Sculptor…One who carves in stone
• Lapidary…One who cuts precious stone
• Lapidist… One who cuts precious stone
• Journalist…One who writes for the newspaper
• Reporter… One who writes for the newspaper
• Correspondent… One who writes for the newspaper
• Compositor…One who sets type for books
• Architect…One who draws and plans the design of the building
• Draughtsman…One who draws plans
• Florist…One who deals in flowers
• Fruiterer…One who deals in fruits
• Drover…One who deals in cattle
• Costermonger…One who sells fruits or vegetables
• Ironmonger…One who sells iron and hardware
• Herbalist…One who deals in medicinal herbs
• Fishmonger…One who deals in fish
• Furrier…One who deals in furs
• Brazier…One who works in brass
• Glazier…One who works in glass
• Vintner…One who deals in wines
• Plumber…One who works mending water pipes
• Stoker…One who attends to the fire of steam engine
• Cooper…One who makes barrels
• Navvy…One employed to do excavating works
• Milliner…One who makes and sells ladies hats
• Haberdasher…One who sells small articles such as ribbons or thread or laces
• Draper…One who deals in cloths and other fabrics
• Mercer…One who deals in silk
• Jockey…A professional rider in horse races
• Farrier…One who shoes horses
• Ostler…One who looks after horse in an inn
• Hostler… One who looks after horse in an inn
• Geologist…One who studies rocks and soils
• Archaeologist…One who study the past through the objects left behind
• Astronomer…One who studies the stars
• Pilot…One who flies an aero plane
• Aviator… One who flies an aero plane
• Collier…One who works in a coal-mine
This • Oculist…One who attends to the diseases of the eye
• Optician…One who tests eyesight and sell spectacles
• Physician…One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines
• Druggist…One who compounds and sells drugs
• Pharmacist… One who compounds and sells drugs
• Surgeon…One who treats disease by performing operations
• Dentist…One who attends to the teeth
• Chiropodist…One skilled in the care of hands and feet
• Masseur…One who treats diseases by rubbing the muscles
• Obstetrician…A physician who assists women in child-birth
• Accoucheur… A physician who assists women in child-birth
• Chauffeur…One who drives a motor-car
• Engineer…One who attends to an engine
• Doctor… One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines
• Captain…The person in charge of a ship
• Admiral…The commander of a fleet
• Sculptor…One who carves in stone
• Lapidary…One who cuts precious stone
• Lapidist… One who cuts precious stone
• Journalist…One who writes for the newspaper
• Reporter… One who writes for the newspaper
• Correspondent… One who writes for the newspaper
• Compositor…One who sets type for books
• Architect…One who draws and plans the design of the building
• Draughtsman…One who draws plans
• Florist…One who deals in flowers
• Fruiterer…One who deals in fruits
• Drover…One who deals in cattle
• Costermonger…One who sells fruits or vegetables
• Ironmonger…One who sells iron and hardware
• Herbalist…One who deals in medicinal herbs
• Fishmonger…One who deals in fish
• Furrier…One who deals in furs
• Brazier…One who works in brass
• Glazier…One who works in glass
• Vintner…One who deals in wines
• Plumber…One who works mending water pipes
• Stoker…One who attends to the fire of steam engine
• Cooper…One who makes barrels
• Navvy…One employed to do excavating works
• Milliner…One who makes and sells ladies hats
• Haberdasher…One who sells small articles such as ribbons or thread or laces
• Draper…One who deals in cloths and other fabrics
• Mercer…One who deals in silk
• Jockey…A professional rider in horse races
• Farrier…One who shoes horses
• Ostler…One who looks after horse in an inn
• Hostler… One who looks after horse in an inn
• Geologist…One who studies rocks and soils
• Archaeologist…One who study the past through the objects left behind
• Astronomer…One who studies the stars
• Pilot…One who flies an aero plane
• Aviator… One who flies an aero plane
• Collier…One who works in a coal-mine
This list Vocabulary-Marriage will give you all the words denoting Marriage.
Take down the words from this list for your future reference.
• Monogamist…One who has only one wife or husband at a time
• Bigamist…One who marries second wife or husband while the first legal spouse is alive
• Polygamist…Man who has more than one wife at a time
• Polyandrist…Woman who has more than one husband at a time
• Misogamist…A hater of marriage
• Celibate…One who vowed to a single or unmarried life
• Divorce…Legal dissolution of marriage of husband and wife
• Alimony…Payment of money allowed to wife on legal separation from the husband
• Widower…A man whose wife is dead
• Dowry…The property that the new wife brings to her husband
• Widow…A woman whose husband is dead
• Fiancé…One engaged to be married
• Fiancée… One engaged to be married
• Betrothed… One engaged to be married
• Affianced… One engaged to be married
• Trousseau…A bride’s outfit
• Banns…Proclamation of intended marriage
• Elope…To run away with lover in order to get married
Surya Prakash

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