Friday, November 9, 2012


There are many constants in the Teaching process. The Teachers personality his judicious use of materials his skill in questioning his ability to develop a lesson clearly and his techniques for vitalizing learning.
Some general hints

1)     Setting up the very purpose of a lesson ( objectives)
2)     Working towards the readiness to learn i.e.
By motivating the learners group
By basing on his approach the students interest and background
By revising and reviewing a previously learnt material which bears some relationship to the lesson in hand
By preparing a background for the new lesson
3)     Presenting the lesson in small units developed in sections
4)     Ensuring the pupils participation at every stage
5)     Development stages are controlled by occasional reference to units learnt earlier and learnt at the moment
6)     Presentation and practice
7)     Recapitulation of the whole lesson with reference to ideas words and phrases pronunciation and linguistic elements
8)     Planning assignment and the natural outgrowth of the lesson

What more do we need?
Ø  Permit freedom of movement in the classroom
Ø  Encourage children to ask questions
Ø  Use  praise lavishly but judiciously
Ø  Make sure that every child is in an act is clearly recognized and exhibited
Ø  Give students time to think before and when they repeat or speak
Ø  Do not embarrass students
Ø  Plan work for students according to their school and home work
Ø  Plan a reasonable teaching and testing programme
Ø  If pupil fail badly one has to re-teach
Ø  Occasional reference to Mother Tongue will help a lot
Ø  Plan rich and reasonable classroom activities
Ø  Allow students to talk and discusses in English in the class

To put into practice the above directives needs a lot of determination on the part of a Teacher.

Lesson plan is not a script i.e. it is not something that dominates your every action in the class like a drama script dominates every actor in the play.
Remember a plan is primarily to facilitate your handling of a class. It should not be so detailed that it dominates every action of you in the class but on the other hand, it should not be so cryptic that you cannot remember.
v  Explore your own practice as you answer the questions!
1)     What do you see as the purpose of the Lesson Plan?
2)     What kind of a lesson plan do you think is necessary before each lesson?
3)     How far do you usually plan a lesson?
4)     In how much detail do you usually plan a lesson?
5)     Does the nature of the lesson plan depend on the
a)      Nature of the materials you are using
b)     The composition of the class
c)      Your own familiarity with the materials
d)     Time available to you
6)     How closely do you tend to follow your plans in practice?
No matter whom you arre teaching and no matter how experienced you are as a Teacher remember and be clear about each of the following

7)     The Aim of the lesson
8)     The new language items / Functions that lesson contain
9)     What strategies you are following to attain the objectives of the lesson
10) Beware of the materials and text you are using because they are the only things determines of your effectiveness and skills in the class not your preparation and any thing
11) What you and your learners are doing at every stage.
Remember there are no hard and fast rules for planning a lesson because it has to been decided that teaching is considered an “Interactive process”. The classroom interaction between the teacher and pupil can be encouraged by the strategy of the teaching only. But not on the basis of the any other approach.
                                                Unfortunately most of the Teacher educational colleges still are using ruined “Herbartian” mode of lesson plan which is based on “Apperceptive moss theory” of learning.
Primarily Lesson plan is divided into THREE types they are as follows

Lesson plan related to KNOWLEDGE
Lesson plan related to SKILL
Lesson plan related to appreciation

As we are teachers of language our prime concern is on the type –II (L.P .related to Skill) because language teaching is a skill based learning it is designed to achieve psycho motor objectives. It is very difficult to prepare a lesson plan exclusively for achieving skill objectives.

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